Socrates once gave us a very precious and quite a powerful advice telling us to employ our time in improving ourselves by other men’s writings so that we shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
And I would like to add something else to his wise and precious words – to also seek to observe and to learn from those who have discovered how to love themselves and their lives. Because by doing so, we shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
15 Things People Who Love Their Lives Do Differently
1. People who love their lives are independent of the ‘good and bad opinions of others‘.
They are free from the chains of bondage in which most of us live. They live life the way they want to live their lives and not the way those around them expect them to live. They know that rules are made by humans and meant to be broken by humans and aren’t afraid to be the humans who break these rules effectively whenever it is required.
2. People who love their lives have no problem saying ‘no’.
If most people are too afraid to choose temporary discomfort over resentment, these people have no problem with it. They know that they are only responsible for how they feel but not for how others feel and because of that they aren’t afraid to say “NO” when they feel like saying no. They are smart enough to choose temporary discomfort over resentment and to always say “NO” when they feel like saying no.
3. People who love their lives would rather be alone than in bad company.
They understand that letting go is part of life and when it is required, they let go and move on. They understand that being alone is better than being in bad company and aren’t afraid to let go of relationships that have gone bad and friendship that became toxic.
4. People who love their lives aren’t afraid to ‘get lost‘.
They understand that life is a process of becoming and that as we advance through life we grow and we change. They understand that with growth comes change and with change comes a sense of being lost.
They know that if you don’t get lost, you risk never being found. They know that feeling lost is proof of growth and instead of being afraid of it, they look forward to it.
5. People who love their lives allow things to take their natural course.
They know that life has a natural flow to follow and that things always go their own way, effortlessly. They know that trying to control things, people and events will be a waste of their time. And they don’t waste any time.
6. People who love their lives know that real power comes from within.
They know that true power comes from within and they invest a lot of time to nourish and unleash this inner power. They waste no time trying to gain power from outside themselves because they know that’s not where true power resides.
7. People who love their lives don’t believe in security.
They don’t believe in security and they never search for it. They know that nothing in life is certain and they made peace with this truth.
8. People who love their lives love to give.
They understand that everything is energy and that energy has to flow. And they keep the energy flowing, giving and giving, whenever possible and as much as possible. They are generous and give with an open heart. They give their knowledge, their love, their appreciation, their money, and their possessions, and the more they give the more they seem to have.
9. People who love their lives trust their intuition and they follow their heart.
They follow their heart and they listen to their intuition, always doing the things that their heart is asking them to do. They know that the heart is a lot wiser than the mind. They see their heart as their most trusted and most reliable adviser and they always follow her advice.
10. People who love their lives know they are connected to all things.
They know that they are connected to all things. They know that we are all ONE and that we are in this together.
They know that if they do good to others they do good to themselves. And they choose to do good to all. They treat everyone around them with love and respect and they treat everyone in the same way they themselves would like to be treated.
11. People who love their lives treat their planet as their home.
They love Mother Earth and they treat planet Earth as their own home. They put love and care into all that they do. They take good care of their home planet and all its inhabitants and they are grateful for all that this Earth has to offer.
12. People who love their lives know they have a purpose to fulfill.
They know that they are here because they have a purpose, a calling, a dharma to fulfill. They live their life on purpose and they infuse meaning into all that they do.
They work with love and they create love wherever they go. With a smile on their face and love in their hearts, they offer their work to all people. Creating so much value and making the world a more beautiful and loving place with their presence.
“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others…for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.” ~ Albert Einstein
13. People who love their lives have a sense of wonder.
They look up and they wonder at the beauty of the sky, the Sun, the Moon and the stars. They look down and they wonder at the beauty of the grass, the trees, the plants, the animals and the insects.
They look to their left and they look to their right and they wonder at the beauty of the young people they see; at the innocence of the children and at the wisdom of the elders. They look at everything and everyone with a sense of wonder and they perceive the world as a magical and wonderful place to be in.
14. People who love their lives keep their childlike spirit alive.
They know that the secret to life is to keep your childlike spirit alive. And they do. They play, they dance, they sing and they go through life as if was all just a play. They are free as a child can be and they treat the whole world as their playground. They take nothing seriously, seeing life as nothing but a game.
15. People who love their lives have learned to let go of attachment.
They know that everything in life is given to you for a short period of time – to enjoy, to learn from, to appreciate and to love – but never to keep. And that things, people, and experiences all come and go. As a result, they live each moment with grace and gratitude, loving everything but doing their best not to be attached to anything.
And these are the 15 things people who love their lives do differently. As you can see, it doesn’t take much to learn to love yourself and your life. So let’s spend more time learning, loving, and enjoying our lives and less time blaming, criticizing, and complaining. Let’s focus on beauty, growth, love, and kindness and by doing so we will attract more of all these things into our lives. And the happier we become, the better the world will get and the more love will surround all of us.
People Who Love Their Lives
So what do you think? Are you up for the challenge? Do you think you can put more of your energy onto the things that make you feel good and less onto those who don’t? You can share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below 🙂
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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