There are so many important things you don’t know about yourself, so many wonderful and precious things. And today I would like to share with you 9 of these things.
Enjoy 🙂
1. There is a life-force within your Soul.
From a very young age, you were taught to look outside yourself for all the things you thought were missing from your life. Not knowing that,
“There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O’ traveler of you are in search of that, don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek that.~ Rumi
→ 25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Rumi
2. You know more than you think you do.
Another important thing you should know about yourself is that your heart and Soul are a lot wiser than you think. They know everything about you, about your life’s path and about the many wonderful things you are capable of being, doing and having. And if you could just get into the habit of conversing with your Soul – listening, trusting and following the guidance of your heart and the wisdom of your intuition, you will soon discover that all the answers you were once so desperately seeking outside yourself, were within you all
“I have been a seeker and I still am. But I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teachings of my soul.” ~ Rumi
3. You weren’t created to live in a “box.”
Your true nature is soft and flexible, fluid and expansive. Who you are underneath it all is much grander and much more complex than your conceptual structure of reality. Much more precious and a lot more valuable than all the labels that have been placed on you up until this moment, and all the labels that will continue to be placed on you in the future. And when you use all kinds of rigid concepts and labels to define yourself, placing yourself in a “box” and conforming to strict ideas of who you are and how you should live your life, you deny yourself the right to realize your true nature. You deny yourself the right to become all that life created you to be.
→ 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy
4. You are not a finished product.
Who you are is constantly changing, growing and evolving, taking different forms, different shapes and becoming something new each day. And that is why it is so important to be flexible. To be open to change and to allow things to take their natural course. To allow yourself to be who life needs you to be, not who you think you should be. And to always remember that,
“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.” ~ Alan Watts
5. When you try to shine, you dim your inner light.
Verse 24 of The Tao Te Ching talks about this in a glorious way:
“He who stands on tiptoe doesn’t stand firm. He who rushes ahead doesn’t go far. He who tries to shine dims his own light. He who defines himself can’t know who he really is.” ~ Lao Tzu
You came into this world shining bright like a star. And even though you might have forgotten how valuable you actually are, if you could just be who you are without constantly trying to prove your value to those around you, you will eventually allow your inner light to be seen, valued and appreciated. And you will no longer depend on others to confirm that you’re worthwhile.
→ You Are Enough, You Have Enough, You Know Enough
6. Your self-worth cannot be verified by others.
Other people can’t determine how worthy and valuable you truly are. And you know why? Because most people have no idea how valuable they themselves are. Most people allow external things, places, people, and circumstances to determine how much they are worth, and so they judge you as being worthy or not so worthy based on the same criteria, not knowing that these things have nothing to do with your value and self-worth. Make sure you don’t fall into the trap of thinking that who you are is not enough and that you need other people’s approval, love, and validation in order for you to feel that way. Never allow external things, places, people or circumstances to determine how much you’re worth. Decide for yourself. It’s called “self-worth” not “other-worth.”
“Self-worth cannot be verified by others. You are worthy because you say it is so. If you depend on others for your value it is other-worth.” ~ Wayne Dyer
→ Approval Seeking Behavior: How to Let Go of It
7. You don’t have to compare or compete with anyone or anything else.
The life you are meant to create and the person you were born to be is unique. And since your path in life is different from everybody else’s, there is no need to compare or compete with anyone or anything else. No need to try to be better than those around you. You are safe.
“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” ~ Lao Tzu
→ Dissolving the Myth of Competition
8. Your path in life is different from everybody else’s.
You have your own unique path to walk in life. A path that is different from everybody else’s. And even though you might be tempted at times to imitate and follow the herd; to do what everybody else does, please don’t! Follow the wise advice of Ralph Waldo Emerson and,
“Insist on yourself; never imitate… Every great man is unique.” Embrace your uniqueness. Walk the right path.
→ How to Know When You’re on the Right Path
9. You are never alone.
You are never alone wherever you are. You are always in the company of your wonderful, precious and loving Self. Your heart and Soul are always with you – guiding you, protecting you, and making sure that you feel safe, loved and cared for. And that my friend, is something that no one can take away from you.
“As a body everyone is single, as a soul never.” ~ Hermann Hesse
→ How to Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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