21-Day Happiness Challenge - Day 3
The 21-Day Happiness Challenge Day 3: Practice Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

“Take time to be alone with yourself, to know yourself and to love yourself, to align your mind with your heart and to craft your life from a place of pure love and high integrity.”  ~ Luminita D. Saviuc, 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

When I was younger, it was hard for me to accept myself. How could I when I mistakenly believed there were so many things wrong with me? But now things are different 🙂

Self-Love and Self-Acceptance Exercise: 21-DAY Happiness Challenge Day 3

Place your hands over your heart, take three deep cleansing breaths, and repeat these words to yourself:

“Today, more than ever, I am worthy and deserving of love and affection.

I don’t need to add anything to myself, or my life, in order to feel whole and complete.

I was born whole and perfect, and who I am underneath it all, never stopped being whole and perfect.

Today, more than ever, I am enough!”

Spend at least 60 seconds in this space of pure love, and when you’re ready, take three deep cleansing breaths and bring back the feeling of self-love and self-acceptance.


You have completed the exercise for the day 🙂

PS – If you resonated with this, share it on the Purpose Fairy Facebook community page with over 170k fans, or with your friends and loved ones.

PPS – In case you missed the exercises for Day 1 and Day 2 of our 21-Day Happiness Challenge, you can find them here >>> 21-Day Happiness Challenge Day 1 and 21-Day Happiness Challenge Day 2. 

~love, Luminita💫


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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