Trust the Flow: Letters from Your Soul on Trusting the Flow of Life

Trust the Flow of Life

Dear one, what if I told you that all the things you need and desire will be offered to you in abundance the moment you let go of your resistance and this exhausting need to control things and decide to trust the flow of life?

What if I told you that if you learned to relax and let go of everything that keeps you stuck and unhappy, you will no longer need to try so hard to make things happen because they will happen effortlessly and naturally?

On Learning to Trust the Flow of Life

“When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. It can’t be gained by interfering.” ~ Lao Tzu


You see, contrary to what you were led to believe, life isn’t meant to be a struggle. Life isn’t meant to be hard. But you make it hard by clinging on to fear. And by believing all those toxic and unhealthy thoughts that run through your mind. You make it hard by resisting the flow of life and by desperately trying to control how your whole life unfolds.

You are not alone in this world.

You are not alone in this universe.

You part of everything, and connected with everything.

You are ONE with nature. And a part of nature.

You have to understand that in the same way Life takes good care of all nature, it will also take good care of ALL of YOU. It will provide for you and it will make sure that your needs and desires are met and fulfilled.

But only if you allow it to!

Trust the Flow of Life

Life is not against you. Life is for you. And trust will help you to see this to be true.

Embrace trust!

Trust the Flow: Letters from Your Soul on Trusting the Flow of Life

In the same way you have learned to trust the sun to shine each morning; in the same way you have learned to trust your breath, your eyes, your heart, and all your organs to function perfectly – without you having to constantly interfere – in the exact same way you need to learn to trust the flow of life.

You need to trust that life will take good care of. And that I, your Soul, will show you which you way to go…

There is no need to suffer needlessly.

Let go of fear. 

Let go of doubt.

Let go of your resistance.

Let go of this exhausting need to control how your whole life unfolds. And allow life to take its natural course. Allow life to work for you, no longer against you.

Because it will.

Let go and learn to trust the flow of life...

~love, Luminita💫


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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