“People don’t mind their own business because they believe that interfering in your life and making uninvited inquiries into the private affairs of others, is their business.”~ Luminita D. Saviuc
10 Reasons Why People Don’t Mind Their Own Business
1. People don’t mind their own business because they think they know any better.
People don’t mind their own business because they honestly think they know better. And they would do whatever it takes to let everyone know that they are ‘right’ and the rest of the world is ‘wrong.’
2. People don’t mind their own business because they are disconnected.
People don’t mind their own business because they are completely disconnected from their own Truth.
They can no longer hear their inner guidance, and they really believe that it’s their responsibility to interfere in the life and affairs of those around them, and ‘save’ everyone.
3. People don’t mind their own business because they have nothing better to do.
People don’t mind their own business because they honestly don’t know what else to do with their time. They are so bored with themselves and their lives that they’re looking for ways to bring some excitement and exhilaration into theirs. And unfortunately for those around them, interfering in the life and affairs of others helps them forget how bored they truly are.
4. People don’t mind their own business because your business is better than their business.
Why are they poking into other people’s affairs? Because they love it! To them, your business is a lot more interesting than theirs. Plus, they love making uninvited inquiries into the private affairs of others.
5. People don’t mind their own business because they don’t have a purpose.
People who don’t mind their own business are people who have no clear focus in life and no meaningful purpose. They just don’t know what is it that they should do with themselves and their lives. And they confuse interfering with helping.
When you know who you are and what your purpose in life is, you have no interest in interfering in other people’s lives. You know that each being is sacred and that we all have a unique path to walk upon. And you trust that the same Higher Power that guides you on your path, will guide everyone else as one their path. Thus, you mind your own business and you don’t play God with anyone.
6. People don’t mind their own business because they are unhappy.
People who don’t mind their own business are sad, lonely, and unhappy people. They might not know this and they might not want to admit it, but they are.
A happy person is too busy being happy.
They understand the value of time and how precious their energy is, and they don’t waste any on interfering in the lives and affairs of others.
They just don’t!
7. People don’t mind their own business because they feel unworthy.
Those who don’t mind their own business are usually people with hidden insecurities; people who feel small, insignificant, unworthy, and undeserving; people who need to ‘do something’ and ‘say something’ in order to feel worthy and loved.
By offering their unsolicited ‘help’ and ‘advice’, they feel like they have a purpose in life. And that makes them feel a bit better about themselves.
8. People don’t mind their own business because they think they are ‘saving’ you.
Many of them don’t mean any harm. They really don’t! And all they want to do is ‘save’ you from whatever it is they think you need saving from. But what they don’t realize is that just as Buddha said it,
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ~ Buddha
The ‘savior’ is within, not without!
9. People don’t mind their own business because they need help.
There is a powerful quote in A Course in Miracles that goes like this:
“Do not attempt to help a person in your own way. Your interpretations of the other person’s needs are the interpretations of your own needs. By giving help you are asking for it.” ~ A Course in Miracles
By offering help to those who never asked for it and by constantly interfering in other people’s, these people are in fact begging for help and asking for the healing of their deeply hidden wounds.
They offer ‘help’ because they need help.
10. People don’t mind their own business because they are afraid.
They are afraid to deal with their own pain and darkness and they would rather try to ‘correct’ and ‘fix’ the whole world than take a look at themselves in the mirror and heal what needs healing. For them, the problem is always out there in the world, but never within themselves.
And these are some of the many reasons so many people, instead of focusing on their own lives and on creating and nourishing their own happiness, interfere in the life and affairs of others.
It happens.
And even though the tendency is to judge and criticize them harshly, it would be wise not to. It would be wise to treat them with love and compassion. Because I’m sure that at one point in our lives, we have all done, or might do some of these things.
Life has a funny way of surprising us.
Better to make space for love to come back to you than have judgment, blame and resentment return to you like a boomerang and hit you in the head when you least expect it…
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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