“New friends are new worlds waiting to be discovered. ” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
New Friends
Meeting new people and making new friends may seem like a scary thing to do. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
In today’s post, I will share with you a list of 10 things that are meant to help you identify whether the people in your life make you better, or bitter. And whether it’s time for you to meet new people and make some new friends. Which of course, it’s always a great idea.
10 Clear Signs You’re In Need of New Friends
1. You need new friends if there’s a lack of joy and peace in your life.
There are people who are a joy to be around, and people who are a joy to be away from. If the interactions with the people in your life feel forced, lacking in joy, goodness, ease, and flow. And if being away from ‘them’ makes you feel way better than being in their company, that is a clear sign you are in need of new friends.

2. You don’t feel safe and supported.
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” ~ Proverbs 13:20
If being yourself, following your dreams and being a lot more ‘successful’ than the people in your life is perceived as a form of abandonment and betrayal; if guilt and shame are used as a way to ‘punish you’ for wanting to move beyond the pale and better yourself, then you are most definitely in need of some new friends.
3. You feel tired around your current friends.
If the interactions you have with the people in your life leave you feeling extremely tired, nauseous, fearful, anxious, exhausted and even depressed, that is a clear sign you are wasting your time and energy on the wrong people and that you’re in need of new friends.
As a wise friend once said to me, when Light and Light come together, there is always more Light. But when Light is missing, the presence of dark and low-frequency emotions – fear, apathy, anger, lust, pride, envy, etc., will deplete you of life force and vitality, leaving you feeling extremely tired and confused.

4. You need new friends if your interactions feel meaningless and empty.
If your conversations are filled with empty and meaningless words that leave you feeling like much was talked about but nothing was actually said, this is yet another sign that you might be in need of new friends.
5. You feel like you don’t matter.
If the people in your life make you feel invisible – not Seen, not Heard, not Important – even though you’re right in front of them. And if talking on their phone and updating their social media account is always more important than being fully present with you, you might be in need of new friends.

6. You need new friends if you feel like you ‘owe’ them something.
If your current friends and the people in your life make you feel like you owe them something – your time, money, energy, knowledge, etc. – as though they are entitled to everything you are and have, that is a clear sign you are hanging out with the wrong crowd. And that you might be in great need of new friends.
7. You need new friends if you feel all alone.
If the people in your life make you feel like you’re all alone, even though you aren’t, that is a clear sign you might be in need of new friends. Always remember, quality is better than quantity.

8. You don’t feel valued and appreciated.
If the people in your life know a lot more about judging, blaming and condemning you than they do about loving and appreciating you, you might be in need of new friends.
9. You are tired of all the drama .
If the people in your life are constantly pointing out the terrible things happening in the world – because they are ‘realistic’ and they want you to know everything about everything, and if drama, tragedy, and negativity are always on the menu, then you might be in need of new friends.
10. You need new friends if you feel lost and confused.
If after each interaction you’re left feeling lost, aimless and confused, not knowing what happened to you and why is it so hard to find your way back to yourself, you are in need of new friends.
Different people desire different things in life. If your intention is to be better and do better, and if you aspire to live a life of peace, meaning and fulfillment, seek those who desire these things as well.
Spend less time around people who tolerate you and more time around those who love, honor and appreciate you. In doing so, life will become a lot more harmonious and your relationships will no longer drain you but rather enliven you.

P.S. Making new friends is an incredible way to open our minds and hearts and discover more about yourself and your capacity to love, grow, learn and connect with the world around you in a more profound and meaningful way. So dare to open your heart to those whose hearts are open and dare to be a friend to those who know how to be a friend.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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