“The art of surrendering comes from a place of Love. It comes from a deep trust in the invisible Power that gives Life to all of life. When you trust, you find it easy to relax, let go, and let the God within you lead the way… In love, we trust. In fear, we doubt.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
The Power of Surrendering Yourself to Love
There are moments in life when we have to step away from the world in order to know how to live in the world. We have to step away from everything the world deems important and valuable in order to discover what is truly valuable and essential.
As it was written by Lao Tzu in the great Tao Te Ching more than 2500 years ago,
“If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, give up everything.” ~ Lao Tzu
To have it all we have to be brave enough to give up on all: fears, lies, ignorance, darkness, limitations, and illusions. We have to be brave enough to learn the art of surrendering. And we do this by getting out of our own way and by allowing ourselves to be guided – not in the direction the mind thinks we should be going, but in the direction, the heart knows is best for us to go.
Surrendering is key.

That which is Eternal can never die.
Our greatest fear is the fear of dying. This is the mother of all our fears. We fear losing our body and our lives – our ‘greatest treasures.’ And in this desperate attempt to turn ‘the impermanent’ into ‘the permanent’, we fail to realize that what we are holding onto, isn’t Life, but rather death.
To quote the Roman philosopher Seneca,
“You want to live—but do you know how to live? You are scared of dying—and, tell me, is the kind of life you lead really any different from being dead?” ~ Seneca
We are terrified of dying. But the irony is that the life most of us are currently living is no different than being dead.
How can living in fear – with its many lies, games, and illusions be called life?
Where there is fear, pain, suffering, anger, shame, apathy, and despair, there is no life, only death. And the sad thing is that the one thing that keeps us from actually living life, is the one thing we’re so afraid to lose.
Surrendering to Love

You are the vessel through which life wants to be made manifest. You are the channel through which love longs to make its presence heard, known, and felt.
When you let go – when you die to your fearful self, you make room for Love to flow through you and all around you. And you give Life ‘permission’ to shower you with its joys and many blessings.
Surrendering is key!
To die to your fears and illusions is to be reborn – in truth, love, faith, and surrender. And finally, see that fear is nothing but an illusion. And Love is the greatest truth and the greatest power in the whole universe.
Surrendering is the way
Only by surrendering to love we will free ourselves from fear. If you knock on the door of your Soul – with faith, love, and humility, the door will open and the way will appear.
Pride – the ’know it all’ can never show you the way. Only humility can.

Humble yourself before your divinity. Surrender yourself fully into the arms of that which loves you more than you could ever love yourself. And ask truth to show you the way out of your fearful and unhappy self. Back into your loving, unlimited, and divine Self…
Fear is death. Love is LIFE.
Do not be afraid of dying. Truth can never die. Nor can love be put to sleep.
Love is your birthright. Life is your eternal gift. And even though the body will eventually find its end, your Being will never die.
The Truth of you is Eternal, Unlimited, and Divine.
You are Eternal.
You are Unlimited.
You are Divine.
This is your Nature. And this is your Origin…
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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