“It is though the use of the Second Ray that one awakens the Light within. The more you focus on the flame of illumination within the center of your heart, the easier it becomes to walk the path of wisdom and achieve the enlightenment and illumination of your whole being.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
The Second Ray of Illumination
As it is so beautifully written in the I Am Discourses, “In the center of your being is a great Light, and you are that Light. This is the truth of your being. You shall know this truth and this truth shall make you free. This is the truth Jesus spoke, the truth for all men, that all men can know.
And how can you know this truth? By direct experience.
The Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world is a reality – as a reality it can be experienced.
As the wind cannot be seen, only its effect seen, only its pressure felt, so too can the effect of the Light within you be seen, its pressure felt. And that pressure is a power far beyond the human mind to comprehend.
If you would see that light then you must go to the Light; and that Light is within you – within, around and above. And all things are composed of that Light, and that Light is within all things. There is no thing, no person that is not of the Light.

But before the Light can be seen, it is felt; and to feel you must first develop the ability to feel. And the source of that ability to feel is in the heart.
Your heart is the very center of your being; it is the center of your feelings, the center where the pressure of the light can first be felt – then seen – and it can be seen!”
In the center of your being there is a great Light. And you are that Light! To know this Light you must go to the Light and become familiar with the Light.
Through the use of the Second Ray, you can awaken this Light.

Second Ray Meditation: Spiritual Journey Back to Yourself
The Second Ray is a Flame of Illumination present within the center of your heart that has the power to help you to achieve health and balance in thoughts, mind and body. It is a flame of abundance that brings forth prosperity, happiness, joy and unity consciousness.
The more you focus on the flame of illumination within the center of your heart, the easier it becomes to walk the path of wisdom and achieve the enlightenment and illumination of your whole being.
Immerse yourself in the Second Ray energies. Familiarize yourself with this Light within and allow this Ray of Illumination to cleanse and heal you of everything that keeps you from finally awakening to the truth of who you are.
Use this powerful Second Ray Meditation to embark on a mystical journey to The Illumination Temple in Telos and allow the Illumination Ray to help you connect your mind to the Divine mind so that you can finally find your way back to your Self.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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