“Your inner child, that little girl or boy who lives inside of you has the answers you seek. They know the truth of who you are. The child who lives inside of you is wise beyond her years. She lives in the moment and pursues what she wants with confidence.”~ Daneika Glenn
I am offering these tips because it’s the wisdom I have discovered on my own journey, and it works. Too many of us have lost our passion and purpose for living, and I believe these tips are the way back to our creative power, healing, and inner fulfillment.
Are you feeling uninspired and disconnected from your life?
Are you searching for ways to create a sense of adventure, purpose, and joy to renew your enthusiasm for living?
Well, you don’t have to look far. Your inner child, that little girl or boy who lives inside of you has the answers you seek. They know the truth of who you are. The child who lives inside of you is wise beyond her years. She lives in the moment and pursues what she wants with confidence.
She prefers to spend her time laughing, creating, playing, and exploring new things with wide-eyed curiosity.
She is not afraid to take a chance on herself, but we ignore her desires and wonder why we feel lost, unappreciated, unloved, and disconnected from ourselves.
Why did we stop listening to her when we became adults?
Reconnecting to the wisdom of our inner child opens the door to creating a more fulfilling life. And these are the eye-opening lessons your inner child can teach you about life, love, joy, and possibility.
6 Eye-Opening Lessons Your Inner Child Can Teach You About Life
1. What brings you joy?
As children, we gravitated towards the things we loved to do because it energized us, not because it benefitted someone else.
The easiest way to spark joy is to reconnect to those first loves that made your soul sing.
2. What you need to feel cared for and appreciated?

The simplest things can give your inner child the nurturing and support she needs.
Maybe it is taking the time to celebrate your successes, or congratulating yourself for trying something new, or speaking words of loving-kindness to yourself every day.
It sounds so simple, yet we often neglect her needs and end up expecting others to fill us up.
When we take the time to nurture ourselves first, we are able to show up in our power and give to others without trying to get something in return.
3. Clues to your real dreams, desires, and purpose on earth.
The desires of your inner child are not influenced by outside approval. She is influenced by what delights her soul.
We are all here to bring more love into the world in our own way.
Pay attention to what you love: you love it for a reason. And I believe the reason is tied to your purpose on earth.
4. The types of people and situations that will support you.
Because your inner child is very clear on who she is and what she wants, she instinctively knows who is safe to play with and who to avoid. Pay attention and respect her wishes, no matter how selfish or judgmental other people may think you are being.
5. How to love and trust yourself.

The more time you are willing to invest in doing things that allow you to express your passion, joy, and creativity, the more you are affirming your own worth and value. The very act of creation is love and trust in one’s self.
6. How to own your power through self-validation.
The more you nurture and honor the desires and curiosities of the little girl within, the more you will like and respect yourself. This will build your confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. It also means you will no longer waste time trying to convince others to like you or approve of you.
Following Your Path Of Inner Wisdom
It doesn’t matter if you are 25 or 75, your inner child has needs and desires of her own.
Creating the space to engage with her and fulfill her desires is your path back to connection, adventure, joy, and possibility.
She is wise and the purest part of your soul.
All you have to do is take the time to listen to her. And you will find your way.
Daneika Glenn
Daneika is an artist, certified Wayfinder Life Coach, and founder of Learning2fly.org. She is on a mission to help creatives find their voice, increase their confidence, and make decisions aligned with their purpose. You can also keep up with her and her work on Instagram.
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