“If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” ~ Cicero
I don’t know about you, but there are mornings when I wake up and that nasty little “bully” named “self-doubt” creeps into my brain. It likes to sit there telling me I’m going to have a bad day or fail at something. The bully, by the way, is a master at sucking away confidence. That’s when I have to kick it into high gear and push it out of my mind.
So, how do I do that?
Confidence Boost
Over the years, I developed my own strategies to beat my bully, boost confidence and own my power. Once you give your power to the bully, the bully always wins. Here are 3 ways you can beat your bully and boost confidence every day in under 5 minutes.
5-Minute Confidence: How to Start and End your Day with a Positive Mindset
1. Boost your confidence by dressing for success.
I’m a lover of fashion and I discovered when I put on clothes that make me FEEL fabulous, I FEEL more confident. I walk and talk differently. I even sit taller. I network better and make a good impression.
Clothing has powers and what you put on your body can give you that boost of confidence to help start your day feeling good about yourself as you walk out the door. Women, many times, wear clothes that makes them feel good for a dose of self-esteem. This is so true.
Did you know that we wear approximately 20% of our closet, and 80% just hangs there? That’s because we gravitate towards clothes that makes us feel confident about ourselves. We should strive to have our entire closet that way!
2. Boost your confidence with affirmations.

After you are now dressed for success, go to the mirror and say 3 positive affirmations to yourself. I am a big believer in using affirmations to help myself think positively. I have been doing this every single day for 40 years. I’m not kidding! I was severely bullied as a child and conquered other “bullies” in my young adult life.
Bullies can be people or they can be problems. They can even be addictions. Bullies are anyone or anything that suck away your confidence that prevent you from being the person you are meant to be. Don’t let your bullies win. By seeing yourself and hearing yourself say positive affirmations out loud, you are more likely to believe them.
Finally, affirmations can also help you alter subconscious thoughts. Repeat them during the day to give them power.
They really work!
3. Boost your confidence by journaling.
Now that you have started your day feeling good and positive about yourself, hopefully you have had a phenomenal day! Now, let’s end it on a good note!
As you get into bed and wind down, take out your journal and write down something that you accomplished during the day that made you feel happy, proud or gave you a sense of accomplishment.

Doing this keeps positive thoughts in our brains and will help you sleep better knowing that you completed a task or tasks that were important to you. I used to think that journaling was silly. Boy, was I wrong! Once I got into the habit of doing it, I realized that it is a powerful tool to visually see my thoughts in words. If you don’t do it now, give it a try. You will reap tremendous benefits from it!
Building confidence is a skill and it is something that you need to work on and practice consistently in order to feel that way every day. And yes, these three things should take you 5 minutes or less to do each day.
Remember, it’s the baby steps that help you start believing in yourself on your journey to feeling self-confident every day.
Treva Graves
Treva is a personal brand & confidence expert, author, and keynote speaker. She is the founder and CEO of Bloom Personal Branding. Her coaching, writing, and speaking focus on building confidence and how the importance of your personal brand can influence your reputation by how people perceive you, even when you are not around. Treva’s book – “Self-Doubt Detox – 5 Steps to Beat Your Bully and Bloom Confidence will be published in late 2022 and available on amazon.com. To learn more about Treva, you can follow her @bloompersonalbranding on Instagram & Facebook.
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