“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You receive from the world what you give to the world.”~ The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul: 40 Quotes
If you’ve found yourself wondering why are you here, what is your purpose, I have to say, you’re not the only one. On this journey called life, finding the right teachers to guide you and bring forth clarity, is essential. And that’s why I’d like to introduce you to Gary Zukav’s profound wisdom, shared especially in his book The Seat of the Soul.
Brace yourself as you embark on this exciting, new journey and allow his words to bring you back to life and closer to discovering what your true purpose is.
The Seat of the Soul: 40 Quotes to Align Your Spirit with Your Higher Purpose
On Love and Truth
“If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love others and you cannot stand to see others loved.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Truth is that which does not contaminate you, but empowers you. Therefore, there are degrees of truth, but, generically, truth is that which can do no harm. It cannot harm.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”No dynamic other than your own ability to distinguish within yourself between love and fear and choose love can change you, moment by moment, decision by decision.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”Every experience of anger, jealousy, resentment, and fear sends you spinning out of control.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”If you want to have the kind of relationship that your heart yearns for, you have to create it. You can’t depend on somebody else creating it for you.”~ The Seat of the Soul

“Spiritual partners bond with an understanding that they are together because it is appropriate for their souls to grow together. They recognize that their growth may take them to the end of their days in this incarnation and beyond, or it may take them to six months. “~ The Seat of the Soul
”Love is the signal. The only way to receive the signal is to eliminate the noise – fear.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“All of the vows that a human being can take cannot prevent the spiritual path from exploding through and breaking those vows if the spirit must move on. It is appropriate for spiritual partners to remain together only as long as they grow together.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”Your emotions tell you what your soul wants you to know. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
On Compassion and Kindness
“If you wish the world to become loving and compassionate, become loving and compassionate yourself. If you wish to diminish fear in the world, diminish your own. These are the gifts that you can give. The fear that exists between nations is a macrocosm of the fear that exists between individuals.
The perception of power as external that separates nations is the same that exists between individuals; and the love, clarity, and compassion that emerge within the individual that chooses consciously to align itself with its soul is the same that will bring sexes, races, nations, and neighbors into harmony with each other.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“We can be kind, generous, just, courteous, and merciful sporadically, but to display those virtues, consistently, calls for an enormous display of courage.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Allow yourself an orientation of openness toward your life and the Universe, to approach the questions in your life with a sense of faith and trust that there is a reason for all that is happening, and that that reason, at its heart, is always compassionate and good. “~ The Seat of the Soul
“You become aware of the damage that you do to your own body when you feel and act without compassion.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“If there is not compassion in your heart also for those who abuse and oppress—for those who have no compassion—do you not become like them? Compassion is being moved to and by acts of the heart, to and by the energy of love.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Understanding evil as the absence of Light does not require you to become passive, or to disregard evil actions or evil behavior. If you see a child being abused, or a people being oppressed, for example, it is appropriate that you do what you can to protect the child, or to aid the people, but if there is not compassion in your heart also for those who abuse and oppress—for those who have no compassion—do you not become like them? Compassion is being moved to and by acts of the heart, to and by the energy of love.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Karma is not a moral dynamic. Morality is a human creation. The Universe does not judge.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“We can be kind, generous, just, courteous, and merciful sporadically, but to display those virtues, consistently, calls for an enormous display of courage.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Non-judgmental justice is a perception that allows you to see everything in life, but does not engage your negative emotions.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“One thing we can be certain: A person that is engaging in violence is hurting deeply, because a healthy and balanced soul is incapable of harming another.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“The remedy for an absence is a presence. Evil is an absence and, therefore, it cannot be healed with an absence. By hating evil, or one who is engaged in evil, you contribute to the absence of Light and not to its presence. Hatred of evil does not diminish evil, it increases it.”
“When we judge, we create negative karma. Judgment is a function of the personality.”~ The Seat of the Soul
On Power and Intention
“Do not lose power over the what-ifs of your life. These are unlimited and endless. Keep your power in the now, in present time. Keep your power just in the day that you are living on the Earth, and not on how to maneuver tomorrow.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your experiences and those things upon which you will focus your attention. These choices affect your evolutionary process. This is so for each person. If you choose unconsciously, you evolve unconsciously. If you choose consciously, you evolve consciously.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”External power is the ability to manipulate and control. Authentic power is the alignment of the personality with the soul.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Feel your intentions in your heart. Feel not what your mind tells you, but what your heart tells you. Rather than serve the fake gods of your mind, serve your heart, the real God. You will not find God in your intellect. Divine Intelligence is in the heart.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”Even when you think you know your intention, you may have other intentions that you are not aware of and, if so, they will shape your experiences.”
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You receive from the world what you give to the world.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Our deeper understanding leads us to another kind of power, a power that loves life in every form that it appears, a power that does not judge what it encounters, a power that perceives meaningfulness and purpose in the smallest details upon the Earth. This is authentic power. “~ The Seat of the Soul
”When you choose the energy of your soul-creating with the intentions of love, forgiveness, humbleness, and clarity–you gain power.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“The decisions that you make and the actions that you take upon the Earth are the means by which you evolve. At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your experiences and those things upon which you will focus your attention.”~ The Seat of the Soul

“When we strive for safety at the expense of another person’s safety, we deprive ourselves of the protection of reverence”~ The Seat of the Soul
On Attachment
”If your addiction lingers, ask yourself if you really want to release it, because in your heart you do not.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”Your life can explode with potential that had little possibility of developing the day before, if you are open to it.”~ The Seat of the Soul
”The physical law of cause and effect is a limited version of the nonphysical law of cause and effect.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Your only choice is whether you wish to have the quest consciously or unconsciously. You can choose through your responses to life’s difficulties to engage the full power of your soul.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“If we are to engage the viewpoint of the soul, we must cease from judging.”
“As you acquire a sense of reverence, you develop a capacity to think more deeply about the value of Life before you commit your energy to action.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“Ask and you shall receive is the rule, but you must learn how to ask and how to receive.”~ The Seat of the Soul
“If you choose to focus your attention on the weaknesses of others, on their faults and shortcomings, you draw yourself the lower frequency energy.”~ The Seat of the Soul
E. F.
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