9 Powerful Ways to Let Go of Your Past and Start Over
You let go of your past, not because you are weak. But because you are strong enough to realize that you don’t want to stay stuck any longer.
The Beauty of Serendipity: How to Find Purpose, Happiness, and Peace in Difficult Times
“Serendipity is not seen as an “accident” at all, yet an attitude or kind of lifestyle in which you are always paying attention to these unexpected things that can bring a smile, joy and peace even in the most difficult times.”~ Christine Ramsay
The Phoenix Journey: On The Incredible Power of Starting Over No Matter What
How to tell my Phoenix story without graphics? I will do my best to paint pictures with words. Scary, enlightening, luxuriously rich in […]
43 Powerful Quotes for Unshakable Courage and Confidence
There is so much noise, chaos and fear that are constantly being spread all over the media these days isn’t there? And because […]
Reinvent Yourself: 4 Useful Tips on How to Start Over Again
“Reinvent yourself over and over and over and over and over until you find home. There is no timeline for the soul.”~ Malebo […]
8 Things You Should Let Go to Find Your Way Back to Yourself
“One of the most important things in finding your way back to yourself is letting go of this unhealthy need to please everyone […]
How to Let Go of the Things That Cause You Stress
To find your peace of mind, we first need to learn how to let go of the many things that cause us so much pain, stress, and anxiety.