Powerful Advice for Parents on How to Unplug from What Doesn’t Serve Them
As loving parents, we are constantly in tune with our kids but when is it that we unplug from what doesn’t serve us, […]
Forgiveness: 6 Life-Changing Lessons for Finding Inner Peace
“Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, to be at peace, to be happy and to be able to sleep at night. You […]
Love Your Body: 5 Beautiful Ways to Truly Reconnect with Your Body
We’ve all heard people say that you should love your body as it is one place you’ll always live in, right? But how […]
How to Stop Struggling with Fear and Move Away from It
Fear is a feeling that we all experience. It can be triggered by anything from heights to social interactions with strangers. Fear, however, […]
4 Powerful Ways to Change Your Life in Just 30 Minutes a Day
When you want to change your life, and you’re truly committed to it, it will happen. Over the past several years I have […]
6 Tips to Fully Recharge Your Mind and Body After a Hectic Week
“Relax and refuse to let worry and stress rule your life. There is always a solution to every problem. Things will work out […]
15 Powerful Ways to Be Happier and Have More Fun in Life
We live in a world where there is so much information, and yet we are bombarded with distractions all the time. You need […]
Wealth and Abundance: The 5 Steps for Manifesting Wealth and Abundance
Here are the 5 steps towards manifesting wealth and abundance for yourself, and inspiring others to do the same, and live a happier and fuller life.
Coping with Envy: 3 Important Questions to Help Free Yourself from Envy
“Envy isn’t an emotion that’ll disappear overnight, but when these feelings emerge they can provide us with powerful insights that can shape how […]
Confident and Happy: 5 Meaningful Tips on How to Be Confident & Happy
Being confident and happy is something that often go together in life. On top of that, they are traits that can improve the […]
The Beauty of Aging In a World That Wants to Be Forever Young
“Aging is meaningless, and can not let this rule your life. Try not to allow a number to define your existence. What we […]
3 Ways to Deal with Your Anxious Thoughts in The Face of Change
“A good way to prevent anxious thoughts from arising is to give ourselves more credit. We are exactly where we need to be […]
5 Stress Reducing Exercises that Easily Fit Your Daily Routine
Stress is a part of existing in this place! Everyone feels stressed from time to time. Actually, this is how the brain and […]
Approval: 5 Ways To Stop Asking for Other People’s Approval
It is a part of human nature to seek love and approval from others. When we are young, we physically need our caretakers to survive. Whether we realize it or not, we are dependent on them for our physical necessities and for our sense of self.
The Pursuit of Happiness: A Powerful Lesson in Chasing Happiness
Happiness is a temporary state of mind that often comes out of unexpected circumstances and accidents we can’t control. So instead of chasing it, let’s hold it in our hands until it runs away, and taps us on the shoulder just when we need it again. If we make happiness the goal for our lives, we will never quite “get there.” So instead… let’s be here.