Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. ~Sigmund Freud
The Weight of the World
Hello, Earthling! How nice of you to have dropped by this titillating planet filled with such great diversity and beauty.
What was that you said? Did you say that you:
Feel burdened by society and all that is wrong with the world?
You feel an overwhelming pressure to change the world?
Did I hear you right? Did you say that you even feel guilty or responsible for the state of the world?
What an awful burden it is to bear when we decide to take on the weight of the world, or on a lesser degree, the weight of another person’s choices or life.
Are you guilty of this? Yes…no…perhaps a little?
Are You Suffering From Mad Cow Disease?
Let me get clear on this. Sit down and make yourself comfortable because I need your undivided attention.
Holy cow! I only recently realized that I’ve been a complete idiot — a buffoon of the highest degree.
In what textbook did I read that I need to change the world, take over if I saw someone else suffering along with their path or put every effort into making people see the world the way I see it?
Nope, can’t think of the name of that book so I must have somehow imagined it. But how many of you can say you feel the same way?
You may feel responsible for your partner, your grown up children, your friends and other members of your family. You may even take on the responsibility of complete strangers.
The Human Checklist
Light Bulbs and Cricket Bats
Let’s get straight to the juicy bit of this article — either you’re going to have an ‘a-ha’ moment or you are going to have to beat yourself over the head a couple of times with a bat to whack the sense home.
You were born here on planet Earth and the global problems were here, social structure (no matter how much you may dislike it) was already in place. Thanks to our ancestors, the world’s configuration were in place the moment you catapulted into reality — the good, the bad and the ugly. You are not responsible for what came before you. However, you ARE responsible for how you affect the world with your presence from this moment onwards. Every choice you make is part and parcel to your responsibility. Own it.
You were born on planet Earth and you needed to work out some of your own lessons and you’re doing great. When you decide to shift your focus onto another person’s lessons and try to tamper with their version of reality — you have made a crucial mistake. You don’t think the other person is capable of handling their own lives so you intervene. You may think you need to because your version of reality and what you think is the right way as it is working so well for you. True?
Nope. It is YOUR truth but it may not necessarily be another’s. When you try to control another individual or their path you are basically saying that they are weak and you are strong. Oops…not very nice. What’s more, is you’re not even helping yourself out, you’re just taking on extra baggage.
Helping or Hindering?
Everyone needs to work out their own journey through life. It is your responsibility to love and respect them enough to give them space and to only help out when you are asked to. Get it?
You are disempowering another human being when you try to seize control or mold them into how you want them to fit into your life.
You are not responsible for any other human being but yourself (barring minors under your care, of course). Focus on yourself and be the best person you can be so that you can be that shining example to others. That is the only way you will make a positive change in someone’s life. You can’t go into their space and try to effect change.
The Prime Directive
You are responsible for your life. Your main responsibility is to be happy — you could even call this your ‘prime directive’or ultimate goal. If you are not happy it is your responsibility to sniff out the causes as to why you are not living in joy.
So, now say you have found your bliss but it hurts you when you see other people suffer and you want to help.
Keep Your Nose on Your Face
The stark truth is that they need to take responsibility for their life and choices. You can always help another human being but you should never force yourself or your way of life onto someone else.
To truly love someone is to accept them as they are and respect their life path. Can you do that?
Can you step into owning your life and taking responsibility for your choices today? If you do, the weight of the world will be lifted from your shoulders and you will experience a freedom like no other.
It’s okay to be here, it’s okay to be you and it’s okay to let other people be themselves.
You are only responsible for you. And thanks to the wise words of Gandhi, try to be the change you want to see in the world.
Cherie Roe Dirksen
Cherie is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician living in the Klein Karoo, South Africa. She has weekly blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.comwhere she discusses practical and insightful perspectives on taking responsibility for your life and following your bliss.You can follow her on Facebook, on Pinterest, on LinkedIn and on YouTube.
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