Are you holding onto something yo need to let go?
From what I have noticed over the years, a lot of people suffer because they are attached to things, to people, ideas, places… They can’t seem to allow things to just happen, they can’t allow people to just come and go in their lives, and they want to control everything and everyone. Why? Because they are attached to all of these things. They are attached to the work they do, to their minds, to their egos… they are attached to everything and everyone.
It is very important for us to learn that with attachment comes pain, with attachment, comes sadness, suffering, bitterness, and anger, with attachment comes unhappiness. Nothing is yours to keep, not even your mother or your father, your spouse or your children, your friends, your bank accounts or your career. You must learn to love them, value them, to be grateful for their presence in your life, to be grateful for the time you spend with them, but when the time comes, to let them go, to let them all go, with dignity, with love, and with grace. There is nothing wrong in allowing nature to take its course. Things are the way they are, neither good nor bad, they just are. We are the ones attaching value to everything, we are the ones who call things good and bad, ugly and beautiful, we are the ones looking for reasons to always be offended all the time.
“All duality is a mind creation, all duality is created by the clinging and attached mind. When there is no attachment there is no duality.” Osho
People get this idea of letting go of attachments all wrong. When you tell them that they should learn to be detached from all things, from all people, they think you are asking them not to love, which is not true. Love is pure, love is kind, love is selfless, while attachment is nothing of this kind. Attachment comes from a place of fear. When you are attached to something, fear is present, and you and I know that fear and love cannot coexist. You are attached to people because you fear they are going to leave you, you fear that they are going to get sick and die one day and you will be left all alone; you are attached to your job because you fear that if you lose it, you will no longer have money to support yourself and your family, etc. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in wanting to have your family healthy and alive; there is nothing wrong in wanting to keep your job in order to support your family, but you need to accept this idea that it can all come to an end at any time. This is the difference between love and attachment. Love your friends, love your family, love your job, your house, your life, but don’t get attached to any of them, because they are not going to be present in your life forever. You are not going to be on this planet forever.
You are attached to people because you fear they are going to leave you, you fear that they are going to get sick and die one day and you will be left all alone; you are attached to your job because you fear that if you lose it, you will no longer have money to support yourself and your family, etc. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in wanting to have your family healthy and alive; there is nothing wrong in wanting to keep your job in order to support your family, but you need to accept this idea that it can all come to an end at any time. This is the difference between love and attachment. Love your friends, love your family, love your job, your house, your life, but don’t get attached to any of them, because they are not going to be present in your life forever. You are not going to be on this planet forever.
I know I have said this before, and I know it is a concept that is quite hard to grasp but letting go of all of your attachments will bring you so much peace. You can’t even imagine how blissful you will feel the moment you decide to let go of your need to control everything, to let go of your need to have and possess everything, acting like nothing will ever come to an end. It all does. You don’t want to accept this fact now, but you will, one day, you have no choice.
It all starts with the decision to be present, to be present in everything you do. Don’t allow your mind to control you and everything you do. The past is long gone, the future is so far away, and all that you have is this very moment. Take advantage of it, appreciate it, treasure it. What will happen one day has nothing to do with what is happening right now, at this very moment, so don’t let your life pass you by, don’t let the fear of what may happen control you. Be happy, be present, be love, and what’s most important, allow yourself to be loved.
Now, I have a proposal for you. Yes, to you, the person who is reading this right now. Do you think you have the power to inspire others? Do you think you have the power to change and improve the quality of others people’s lives? Do you? I know you do, we all have this power.
Do you have a story about a time when you managed to detached yourself from things, people, the work you did, allowing things to just come and go without you being hurt, offended, happy, sad, blue? Do you have a story about a time when somebody you loved left you and because you couldn’t stand the pain any longer, you decided to free themselves, to let them go, and by doing so, to find your way back to happiness? Whatever your story may be, if it shows how powerful and courageous you are, send it to me in the section called Contact Me. Let me know if your life is attachment free.
I will read it, I will read all of your stories, and the most inspiring one, or why not, the most inspiring ones, will be published here on this blog, with your name, or without, however you choose, so the whole world could see how powerful you are. I am looking forward to reading your inspiring life stories.
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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1 Comment
EuNiquely Me
at 9:33 pm
Wow, this is soooo powerful. I’ve experienced this need to attach myself to things, and people for years. This was definately a blessing to read. Thank you & highfive Jesus for this Godwink 😉