“Positive thinking makes us aware of the fact that our problems never had a life of their own. They were kept alive by our fixations, intense focus and the incredible amounts of energy we allocated to them.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Positive Thinking
The way we think influences the way we feel. And the way we feel determines the quality of all our actions and behaviors. If the thoughts we think are healthy, empowering, and positive, so will our lives be.
8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking
1. Positive thinking is all about focusing on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

The mistake a lot of people make is to talk about their problems and frustrations over and over again. Instead of focusing on the end result and all the delicious things they want to have and achieve in their lives, they give all their energy and attention to what they don’t want. Therefore, they create more of what they focus on – problems and headaches.
If you want to develop a positive mindset, you have to train your mind to stay away from that which bothers you and focus onto that which you love and want to have happened in your life. In doing so, not only will you create a healthier mind, but also happier life.
2. Know that every problem comes with a lesson.
There is always a lesson in everything that happens to us, and once you understand this, you’re already developing a more positive thinking.
If you want to improve the quality of your thinking and create a more positive and optimistic way of living, it will be wise to look for the lessons in everything that happens to you and learn from them. In doing so, you will discover that nothing in life happens To you, it happens For you.
3. To develop your positive thinking, don’t believe everything you think.
We think somewhere between 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts each day, most of which are random, toxic, negative, and self-destructive. And if we fall into the trap of believing every one of these thoughts, chances are that we will lose our minds in the end.
Don’t believe everything you think.
Observe your mind. Observe your thoughts. But be wise enough not to identify yourself with your thoughts, especially if they are toxic and self-destructive. Always remember that you are not your mind. You are not your thoughts. You are the Awareness behind these thoughts.
4. To develop your positive thinking, embrace an attitude of gratitude.
A great way to develop positive thinking is to express your gratitude for everything that happens to you and all around you by keeping a gratitude journal. In writing down the things you are thankful for, you build the healthy habit of looking for things to appreciate about yourself and your life. And when you taste the joy of being grateful, you will no longer want to waste your time and energy on stressful, chaotic, and painful thoughts, people and experiences.
5. Boost your positive thinking by letting go of your need for perfection.
It is impossible to achieve perfection. In fact, it was Voltaire who affirmed that perfect is the enemy of good. Perfection leaves no room for improvement, So why hurt yourself trying to be perfect?

When you try to do everything perfectly, overanalyzing and allowing your sneaky fearful thoughts to guide you and your actions, your body goes into survival mode. And when your body is in survival mode, you can’t really create ‘perfection’, only more pain and frustration.
6. Know that there Is a reason for everything.
Make peace with this idea that everything in life happens for a reason, that it all happens For you, not To you. And in doing so, the thoughts that will run through your mind and the feelings you will feel in your body will no longer be infused with fear, doubt, panic, and anxiety, but rather with faith, love, and surrender.
7. To boost your positive thinking, let go of your resistance.
Resistance is one of the greatest enemies of positive thinking. When you resist yourself, your life, and the whole world, you bring chaos to your mind and disease to your body; your thoughts become chaotic and your body starts to respond to all those unhealthy thoughts by creating imbalances and all kinds of pains and diseases.
When you allow yourself to just be – to go with the flow, no longer against it, to let go of the resistance and return from chaos to balance, order, and harmony, you discover that life was never meant to be a struggle and that your thoughts were never intended to be the master of your life, You were!
8. Learn to be present in everything you do.
Leave the past in the past and the future in the future. Choose to be present here and now.
If you get too caught up in your mind, if you think too much about what happened in the past and what may happen in the future, chances are that you will create a great deal of pain and suffering. And the energy you will generate (which by the way, is contagious) will be a toxic and damaging one – for yourself and those you love.
Your life is here and now, right in front of your eyes. Don’t run away from it. Acknowledge it. Make peace with it. Welcome it. Engage in it. And in doing so, you will go from feeling like a victim of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, to realizing that you are a powerful creator and the master of your own life.
To sum it all up

And these are the 8 steps to positive thinking. I hope they will inspire you to let go of all your unhealthy and self-defeating thoughts. And I hope they will empower you to discipline your mind into thinking and embracing only those thoughts that are life-giving and self-empowering.
~love, Luminita 💫
**What about you? How do you keep your mind positive when things aren’t going the way you want them to go? When stress arises and life sends challenging people and experiences your way? You can share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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