“Being authentic is the ability to be true to oneself. Living an authentic life requires the ability to be true to our own wants, needs and desires and not live our lives by the opinion of others. Being authentic is the ability to make self-honoring choices and stand firmly in who we are in our core. Being true to ourselves gives us the insight and compassion to see others for who they are, not who we expect them to be. It frees us up from the judgment of ourselves and others and it gives others the freedom to be themselves as well.” ~ Victoria J. Reynolds
I love these powerful words and I couldn’t agree more. Why would you want to be somebody that you are not? Why would you choose to waste all your energy trying to be like somebody else? It’s really unhealthy and I know that there are a lot of people out there who struggle with understanding this, but I believe in people and I know that by taking ownership of who we are and by making a choice to become who we really are, we will manage to inspire others to do the same.
I can tell you from my own experience that, those people who embrace who they are, those people who choose to be themselves and nobody else, those are the people who will always be admired and those are the people who will always inspire others. This is what authenticity does to you.
Can you believe how twisted we are? Something as simple as being yourself has come to be quite challenging these days, and of course, there are billions and billions of reasons of why this is, but focusing on the negative rather than on what can be done would not help at all. Being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world, and eventually, it will be.
Make a commitment to yourself to do just that. Promise yourself that you will always act in accordance with who you are and with what you believe in, and even though it may be challenging at first, know that in time it will come naturally to you, and people will look up to you, asking you how you do what you do.
You might not understand what they are talking about, because all that you are doing is being yourself, and it’s the easiest and the most natural thing for you to do, but looking back, you will remember where you once stood, and you will help them achieve what you’ve achieved. Trying to make those around you to like you by being what you think they want you to be, it’s a complete waste of your energy, and believe me, even though you may get either approval for a while, the approval of the person that matter the most for you will be missing, and who’s that person you may ask? That person is YOU!
“Love yourself first, then you can love others, heal yourself first and then you can heal others.” ~ Chunyi Lin
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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