The Most Viral Personal Growth Article on the Internet

I’ve decided to say a few things about the most popular post here on, the one titled “15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy”, which at the time of this writing is probably the most viral personal growth article on the Internet.

The Most Viral Personal Growth Article on the Internet

I could even go as far as saying that this is the world’s most shared article, at least on Facebook, because it totaled an impressive 1,170,000 Million shares in only around two months, but feel free to contradict me on that in case you’ve seen posts with more than 1170K Facebook shares.

Anyway to put things into perspective, I have a list that Facebook published last year, that shows which were the most shared articles in the US on Facebook in 2011, and once you’ll check it out, you’ll see that all of the names that are listed are massive scale news sites such New York Times, CNN, Yahoo, Wall Street Journal or The Huffington Post, on which by the way, we were also mentioned.

This is to make you aware of how much of a hit the “15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy” article turned out to be in just a short period of time, and to inform you that its popularity has made me ask myself a few questions and helped me determine some of the things I want to do in the future.

Some of the questions were how can I improve my writings, and the answer to that would probably be to focus more on the typos and grammatical errors, or what type of subjects should be discussed in the future, should I focus more on the positive side of things?

I also asked myself, what is it that people love the most about PurposeFairy, and what really makes PurposeFairy PurposeFairy?

The popularity of the above mentioned post has also motivated me to aspire on taking things to the next level with this site, whatever that may be, because we are definitely living in an era where people are turning away from the ‘conventional’ things that were believed to bring happiness, and are now willing more than ever to find their inner values and bring balance in their own lives. I feel there is a shift happening and I would really love to see what your thoughts are on this. Do you think this is only my perception or would you say this is in fact how reality looks at the moment?

Feel free to use the commenting section below or our Facebook community page to express how you would define PurposeFairy in a few words, and how would you envision the site in the future. I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has already shared the ‘“15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy” article and to those who will do so from now on.

On another note, I want to address something a lot of our readers have asked about: how to integrate affiliate marketing platforms: and what is the most profitable alternative for bloggers

To increase the presence on the Internet, the blog is becoming a must for the self-employed business owner and for the big brands.  However, it is possible to take advantage of this visibility and create another source of revenue at the same time. 

Affiliate marketing enables to increase your traffic, but also to convert other targets for a potential advertiser. The company will pay you a commission for each sales made.  Professional blogger or novice, you can have an overview of the best platforms on this website. But before you sign up for a particular affiliate platform, find out in the following lines how they operate.  

What is an affiliate marketing platform? 

Large brands often have the choice of building a custom affiliate program or integrating with an affiliate platform.  Both of these approach techniques are used to gather affiliates to launch a product or service.

However, a company building a program will have to take personal responsibility for its management as well as for monitoring the process from A to Z. In order to save time and entrust other services with these tasks, it is recommended to register in the platforms.  These tools have an easy-to-use interface to help track affiliate performance. They also offer personalized coaching to enhance your affiliate campaign. 

For the affiliate blogger, it is also enough to integrate these platforms to find a partner compatible with your editorial line.  Once you submit your application, you will have access to several affiliate programs to which your profile and blog are validated.  As an affiliate, you will be able to accumulate your commissions, but also to gather other advertising campaigns. 

Regarding the remuneration, you should know that these platforms regrouping advertisers work on the basis of a commission.  It will vary between 25 and 30% depending on the brand awareness. But before choosing an advertising campaign, be sure to compare the existing offers and analyze each commission offered. 

~love, LuminitađŸ’«


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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  • Jayne

    at 8:15 pm

    The thing I love about PF is its relevance, simplicity and optimism even with the most difficult subjects. With PF you get an unbiased, no-jargon approach which can cast just that little bit of perspective needed to help you,out. A bit like words if wisdom from a friend!
    Blogs and sites like this are more and more I demand these days so you are not mistaken there. Well done so far and keep up the good work 🙂 .

  • Debra Arbuckle

    at 6:34 pm

    Just bring the ideas the grammar/typos are just stuff, like wearing the right shoes. They don't make you or your ideas any less valuable to me. Be your wonderful self and keep writing from your heart.

  • Debra Arbuckle

    at 6:29 pm

    Just bring the ideas the grammar/typos are just stuff, like wearing the right shoes. They don't make you or your ideas and less valuable to me.

  • Debra Arbuckle

    at 6:27 pm

    I love getting your posts. they are such great reminders, makes staying with the positive easy.

  • Julie

    at 6:19 am

    I look for the posts from you first before anyone else,thank you,thankyou,thankyou,than you sometimes there what gets me through

  • Rosabel

    at 8:04 am

    Ppl like you get all the brains. I just get to say thanks for he aswner.

  • Jeanette

    at 5:06 am

    In awe of that aswenr! Really cool!

  • K-A

    at 1:49 pm

    I think you’ve got a good site here, where you share many good and important thoughts for people to hear (or read, I suppose). Your articles always make me think harder about how I live my life and what I can work on to do better and live my life to the fullest.

    The one thing I think needs work is the grammar/typo area. Some people don’t care about it at all, while others (like me, for better or worse) are so irked by language errors that it becomes difficult to read. Could you have a few people who are grammar-conscious read over your posts before you submit them? I think that alone would greatly improve the site. Again, the ideas are great; the writing just needs some editing in order to more clearly present the ideas.

    Keep up the great work of inspiring people!

  • danaadmin

    at 5:39 am

    Happy to see this Janet 🙂

  • Janet

    at 4:50 am

    I really love this site and the emails. Every time I read an article I am inspired. I feel like they help me get through the day when I’m feeling stressed or when I need a lift.

  • LiveLoveLife

    at 6:52 am

    I was at a point of my life where i really didnt care about anything because i lost track of who i was, too busy trying to be someone who i thought was expected. You words brought me to understand myself and what i needed to do to if i wanted to see change. Words are so piwerful they can bring the best out of someone and yet at the same time it can destroy everything. I appreciate all your work and i know you were able to accomplish your goal with this site. You started something huge, that is needed it all of us. The voice that most of us are to shy to express, but the way you articulate each lesson is the most creative yet effective because we can all relate and understand the msg your are trying to get accross. Smile, you deserve all the love that will be poured back to you because you put alot of time to produce this masterpiece. Passion is what illuminates from all works of life. Keep the lught shining, we’ll all do what we can to help.

  • mike

    at 11:25 am

    “The popularity of the above mentioned post has also motivated me to aspire on taking things to the next level with this site, whatever that may be, because we are definitely living in an era where people are turning away from the ‘conventional’ things that were believed to bring happiness, and are now willing more than ever to find their inner values and bring balance in their own lives. I feel there is a shift happening and I would really love to see what your thoughts are on this. Do you think this is only my perception or would you say this is in fact how reality looks at the moment?”

    to answer your question i do believe we are seeing a shift in people’s perception of what happiness truly is. I myself find that many of my peers are striving more for their goals than simply existing. i have friends moving across the world just to be where they want, no job, no home but just taking risks to explore the desires of their heart.This is not ideal for all folks but this is just the tip of the iceberg in seeing more people focus on things like love,joy,hope,dreams,and passion.

    i myself am currently fighting to reach my goal of living in my version of paradise and will be selling my business,as well as most my belongings so that i can move to where i’ve always felt i belonged.

    i believe the tough economic times the world has been/is dealing with have helped many people get on the wavelength of breaking down life to what really matters, cause when you can’t glorify money or material things whats left?do you simply give up or does the lack of those things expose you to what truly matters in this life? i for one am glad to see this shift in the human race because i’m seeing friends and loved ones reach for what they want and get it, they have to fight and struggle for it sometimes but the passion they seek their hearts desires with is so empowering.whether it be family,friends,loving themselves,moving,starting a new career whatever it may be it just seems like more people think it can be accomplished no matter what their detractors may say.

    sorry for the rant

  • Abbi

    at 5:43 am

    It’s perfect, as is. Seeking growth is awesome, but the message of the site transcends any technicalities that a person might get hung up on or be put off by..

    Having said that, my personal experience and frustration with reality around me is people that say things with no follow through.. For whatever reason. Best intentions are stated with no supportive action.

    Occasionally, it gets to me.. For the most part, I accept that I need to keep on with my own life and not make a problem of something that I have no control over..

  • danaadmin

    at 5:28 pm

    Thank you Amber, this means a lot to me 🙂 Be good to yourself and others. Infinite Love and Peace!

  • amberlyne

    at 3:03 pm

    hi! this is my first time to really speak up here. first of all, i just want to thank you! thank you so much for this site, it’s been helping me from quite sometime now. i know you’ve been receiving a lot of messages like this, how you, purpose fairy changed our lives for the better, made us more positive, happy & forgiving. i really idolize you for being able to think of & write about these things & for that, i am inspired by you. to make a difference not only in my life but to others as well. i see purpose fairy in being known by more people in the future, i see it helping & changing other peoples lives too.

  • danaadmin

    at 4:26 pm

    Kelly, I love that. Focusing on the good that is

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:25 pm

    Thank you Marion 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:24 pm

    Thank you Kathy 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 4:23 pm

    Thank you Nikki 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:22 pm

    Yes, where focus goes energy flows and it’s so important for us to learn to focus on the things we want rather then those we don’t and I am still working on this everyday 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:21 pm

    Thank you Danza. I am really happy to see you feel this way 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:20 pm

    Love is good 🙂 Thank you Robert.

  • danaadmin

    at 4:19 pm

    Thank you for your beautiful words Shelly and thank you for being a fan 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 4:18 pm

    That is so great to see Marilyn and I promise to do just that 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:17 pm

    Thank you Christina, that means a lot to me 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:16 pm

    Thank you Mary 🙂 Sending you the best of vibes and hope you get better and better every day in every way 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 4:15 pm

    Happy you found us Mary 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 4:15 pm

    Infinite Love and Peace Marlene 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 4:14 pm

    Happy you found us Kat and like i said, I already have some amazing people who will help me on this so if it can be improved why not, right? 🙂

  • Kat

    at 12:38 am

    I just found you via the happiness article (shared by a friend on FB), have read a few others & loved them so much I decided to sign up for your email list. Please keep writing about thinking & being positive, it really does work! Also, I agree with others who have said don’t worry about a few typos! See your own article, numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 15. 😉 Congrats on your success!

  • Marion

    at 4:09 am

    I found Purpose Fairy thru a shared page from FaceBook and find myself looking forward to the emails i receive. They really do make my day and usually have something relevant to say that helps me change my thinking or perspective on a daily basis.

    Thank you Purpose Fairy and best wishes for your success at the next level

  • kelly

    at 3:09 am

    The article struck a chord with me due to its shift from a consumerism oriented paradigm (selfish) to one of giving and gratitude (selflessness). I’m eading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp and finding much more joy in life by focusing on “the good that is”
 rather than the good “that is not yet”
 gratitude instead of longing. I liked your title for the same reason. Great job.

  • Kathy

    at 7:09 pm

    Like others have said, your posts are a “pick-me-up” so if I am a little buisy one day, I save them for “a little break.” They inspire me – I am so happy for your success!

  • Nikki (aka Starcat)

    at 6:53 pm

    Congratulations on the popularity of your excellent post! I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate the positive and inspiring content. I think I first encountered it on Facebook, actually. I have largely given up “the daily news,” which I find most often spreads negativity unnecessarily, in favor of reading more empowering blogs and websites.

    I totally agree with you that things are changing in regard to human consciousness. More people than ever before are aware of how much our attitude affects what we experience as reality. I think this will help in so many arenas, from health to politics, to the environment and even the economy. There is now a whole community of personal growth businesses online, with people who are following their callings and reaching out to help others, and doing that as their way of making a living. I’m excited to be part of it, too (my partner and I run a business called Feline Dreamers, and I also just got my first book contract and will be a published author in the fall).

    Keep up the great work! Many blessings to you!

  • Carolyn Wolfe

    at 6:50 pm

    I love your blog! Don’t worry about typos! I loved the article about “15 things you should give up to be happy”, and shared it ith everyone! Focusing on the positive side of things is so refreshing and helpful! I think the more we break out of our negative thinking, the more light comes in and new apporaches to old problems can be found. Your articles are solution oriented and hold extremely good advice. Thank you!

  • Danza M.

    at 5:55 pm

    There are very few posts or articles I actually look forward in receiving and Purpose Fairy is one of them. Somehow, it’s as if each piece is written with ME in mind to help tackle my day or week and it’s always such an inspiration to read the clarity of your words. You seem to connect so easily with the struggles of everyday issues with the positive message you put forth in your writings. When I actually do have time to sit down and browse through my laptop, I find myself searching thought past articles on Purpose Fairy to bring sense to this crazy life! Funny, I never notice the grammatical errors, I am always so engrossed with the “purpose” of the article. Your outlook is so amazing and energizing
Thank you!

  • Robert M. Ridley

    at 5:27 pm

    I have just been introduced to your wonderful and insightful writings. I have already referred several friends to the site. Thank you so much for your work! You have a keen insight into the human condition and you have gathered and organized your wisdom into useful points which will surely make a positive difference in many lives as you have already made in mine. I love your work!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:40 pm

    Eugenia, I will make sure to look into all of these things because I do feel like what you say makes a lot of sense and hopefully in the near future you will read more on the subjects that you recommended here 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:38 pm

    Noted 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:37 pm

    Thank you Laureen, really appreciate your help. You can feel free to send me a private message anytime you want and we can talk about this 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:33 pm

    Really happy to see that PurposeFairy is part of your daily routine 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:32 pm

    Thank you Dan 🙂 Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:31 pm

    Thank you and blessings to you too Gillie 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:30 pm

    Thank you Lea.

    Well, I will find an excuse and I’ll say that English is my second language and this can be one of the reason I don’t write 100% correct. I am a writer I guess, not an editor but if things can be improved why not work on improving them right?

  • danaadmin

    at 3:28 pm

    Sam, it helps a lot and I will work on all of these things – work in progress 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:26 pm

    Alanna, that is great feed-back and I will make sure to cover those topics in the near future and many others 🙂

    Have an awesome week!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:24 pm

    Thank you Judy 🙂 Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:22 pm

    Really happy to see this Fatima and I really appreciate you wanting to help. I am working on these things already 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:21 pm

    Thank you Barb 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:19 pm

    Thank you Faruk and I will continue to write for sure. I love to write and I love to share this side of me with you all 🙂

    Infinite Love and Peace!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:17 pm

    “Breath of Fresh Air.” I love that 🙂

    Cheers Chris!

  • danaadmin

    at 3:16 pm

    Susanne, so happy to see that you are feeling a lot better and I am really thankful for all the beautiful comments you and all the amazing readers have posted here on this page.

    Love you and. Sending you the best of vibes your way and would love for you to send me a private message one of these days 🙂 Infinite Love and Peace!

  • Shelly

    at 3:13 pm

    I look forward to your positive perspectives and simple reminders which have helped me to re-focus on what is really important and live in gratitude. Sharpening your saw is always important and that is what will take purposefairy to the next level, whatever that may be. Keep doing what you are doing. I agree there is a shift in conciousness, where people are regaining a sense of their core and spirituality. A striping away of material and societal values and a movement towards a more connected way of living. I continue to be a fan.

  • Marilyn Boling

    at 3:12 pm

    I have to admit that I was so taken with the insightful, positive nature of the message that I didn’t even notice the typos. While you want to put out the highest quality product possible, please never get so caught up in the mechanics of the writing that you lose the joy of your messages. There is so little positive input in our lives these days. I always read yours because it adds to my life.

  • danaadmin

    at 3:12 pm

    Happy Birthday in advance Karen and thank you for your great feed-back 🙂

    I do feel that the message is way more important than the typos and even though I would love to be perfect on that side of things apparently I am not but there are people who are and like I said to David, this is already work in progress and one day there will not be any more typos. PurposeFairy – A world without typos 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:08 pm

    Thank you Jim, you are really awesome! 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:07 pm

    Thank you David for your kind words, really appreciate it. The great news is that I have a really incredible person who is really passionate about this and will help me on the typos side of things so yeah, things will get better and better 🙂

  • Christina

    at 2:09 pm

    I think the message is so inspiring in your articles, I don’t care or rarely notice typos or grammatical errors. Your articles are about the meaning, they have a wonderful honest raw human quality to them. Judging you by a misspelled word or forgotten comma would be like judging someone for what they are wearing before knowing that person. Let the OCD people worry about errors, why waste the time doing an in-depth proofread (just give it a once over) when you could be doing something much more gratifying.

    It’s a blog, not a book.

    It’s about inspiration, not grammar.

    Grammar nazis don’t see the glass as half full or empty
they just see a dirty glass.

  • Mary

    at 12:41 pm

    Honestly, your articles are just what I need in my life. I have printed several of them off, and keep them in a binder. My life is difficult and each day continues to be a struggle, but when I’m really feeling down, I pick one of your articles out to read. As far as typos and grammatical errors, I guess some people may find it annoying, but to me it adds a measure of humanity, that everything just can’t be perfect all the time. Thank you for sharing your soul and inspiration. It truly touches my heart in so many ways

  • Mary

    at 12:37 pm

    I found purpose fairy several months ago because someone forwarded the 15 things article. I have shared this web site with many others. Keep up the good work typos and all, the clarity the good sense the beautiful way these thoughts are expressed bring peace to my world. Thank-you.

  • Marlene Engleman

    at 12:35 pm

    Wow! I love all the comments! What an inspiration to read. There are more and more people waking up to the fact of their true ‘selves’.
    Giving up the limitations of life-learned behavior.
    See, there are more positives going on in this world, than what the Media puts out there.And I ask everyone to give up the word: WAR!! stop using it, its been used for everything, which creates that. What you think, speak, is manifest!!Keep up the goodness, respect of all life..Pass around divine love, unconditional love.

  • Laura Fliess

    at 11:44 am

    I would like to support Karen’s comments. I am 47 years old and as I continue to mature, I find yes, as the days whiz by me, that reminders of the things in life that truly make us happy are incredibly important. To me the daily support of looking at issues from a positive place is invaluable. I know these things to be true, but having it be presented and supported helps me to strengthen my resolve when it is failing through life’s challenges and I think that nothing will change and the light at the end of the tunnel is dim.
    For today, Karen, thank you for the reminder of removing the negative words from my vocabulary, they are toxic! ~Peace

  • David J. Singer

    at 9:38 am

    As you have already seen, you will get a mix of reactions about the typos, etc. Some people don’t care and some find it distracting. What seems universal is that everyone likes your good work, your clear, simple, positive messages. So, keep that up and if you want to solve the typos issue, have someone else do it — someone who is really good at finding those kinds of things, and loves to find those things. Have them quickly read through your pieces before they are posted, focusing on those things only and not the content.
    Keep up the good work!

  • Jim Vaughan

    at 7:24 am

    What you say over-powers any self-inflicted negatives like an occasional grammer mistake. No big deal! If there’s anyone leading the pack to a better future, it you. Spend more time and stay focused on what you get right than worring about what you get wrong. Each and every article you write is like a breath mint for the mind. Keep’em Coming! Jim Vaughan,

  • Karen

    at 6:48 am

    My 66th birthday is in several days and believe me, the days whiz by more quickly than ever! But still, every day is wonderful because there is a new life lesson for me to learn. The Purpose Fairy says everything I know from my own life experiences to be TRUE
thank you for reminding me! Keep it up! And really, are the typos that important in the whole scheme of things? I think not. One thing a few friends and I are doing is eliminating negative words from our vocabulary, especially the word HATE. It’s amazing how toxic that word can be

  • Susanne Schlomer

    at 6:35 am

    Purposefairy was recommended to me in February by a friend in Canada when I was stuck in a mini-depression again after many years of being free of it. I now live back in Germany my birth country after growing up in Canada the land of the free! I had spent years in therapy and using self-help techniques over the years to help myself. Everything that came to me or which I chose to do had the correct timing. Purposefairy is the correct timing and the correct dose. I get the e-mails and the topic is always bang on. The world needs to be reminded of positive & spiritual ways of dealing with the itself and others. Each human is unique, but we really are all the same aren’t we? I wouldn’t change anything about the site, yes except for the grammar and typos, but that is nothing compared to the help it gives thousands of people around the world
 because Purposefairy is read everywhere, not just in the U.S.

    Keep up the good work and the subjects to write about will arise when the need arises. Have faith that you are doing something good for the world.

  • Chris

    at 5:46 am

    I love the articles here.. yes, there may be some grammar issues and typos.. but they to me are minor, and the messages that your articles relay is a so much more important. In this world of tabloid news, paid off media, and negative stories, it is such a breath of fresh air to get away from that and read what your website has to say. They are all positive, and talk about things that are relevant and important to us as individual. Things like happiness, gratitude, and friendship and such.. while also not news.. it’s all so positve, and personal and relevant. You asked to describe Purpose Fairy.. here it goes.. “Breath of Fresh Air.” Please keep up the great work. After a bad day, reading some of your articles kind of puts things back in perspective. Cheers !

  • Faruk Alibhai

    at 5:34 am

    I first read the article ‘ 15 things you should give up to be happy’ when it was sent to me by my brother Dr. Munir Virani. It was extremely inspiring and I immediately shared it with my colleagues in the office – but most importantly, this was the same time that I was first introduced to Purpose fairy and signed up immediately. I love the inspiring articles and share them regularly with my friends. You are certainly touching peoples hearts all over the world and making a huge difference in the lives of so many people. The articles are simple, yet the lessons are profound. Please do keep up the incredibly good work and may God bless you to continue inspiring people all over the world.

  • Barb

    at 5:29 am

    I am actually impressed how well you have done in spite of publishing without an editor, or proof-reader; very impressive. I would echo, follow your heart or inner guidance (it’s already gotten you this far) and hire an editor. That can look like a trade with a friend who is good at catching those little typo’s. Good luck to you!

  • Fatima Abbas

    at 5:21 am

    You’re doing a great job. Your articles are better than the counselling I get. They changed me. I am a new person. Keep inspiring me!
    And please work up on the grammar. Have your articles proof-read. I said it before, I’ll say it again; Ill be happy to do it for you. It will be an honored.

  • Judy

    at 5:07 am

    I want to echo Jason Hollister. I just found PurposeFairy fairly recently and have just loved it for the reasons Jason gives. I like it as it is, I value it, I hope it continues, and that you will build on it rather than replace it. Thank you so much.

  • Alanna Jane

    at 4:57 am

    Thank you so much for your inspiring posts. The past 3.5 years have been very turbulent for me due to a terrible illness, its resultant permanent disabilities and all of the associated financial nasties. Over the past year however, I have become increasingly accepting of, and eventually inspired by and happy with, my new journey. It is people like you that have made a huge difference in helping me mold and sustain a wonderfully positive attitude, while also challenging me to tear down walls, let go of unhealthy issues/perceptions and seek the truth in all of my thoughts.

    Personally, I find the current number of articles perfect. These allow me to really think about what you have said and investigate interesting outside sources. Also, I actually do not want my inbox filling up every single day
 this makes it a chore to read rather than an appreciated reminder once or twice per week.

    Regarding content, I have been really impressed with what you have put forth to date and would agree with Jason in comment #4 in that you should continue to listen to your heart in this regard, and build upon what you have started rather than replace PurposeFairy with something else.

    Some of my favorites have included those on happiness and happy people’s habits, the power of thoughts, what to forgive yourself for and how to live without regrets. I would also really enjoy hearing about (aka being reminded of) great ways to help banish negative thinking.

    I also truly believe that more and more people are choosing to opt out of their fast paced lives and are consciously returning to simpler ones – definitely in part due to a need for connection and community. Because of this, it is my opinion that you would be doing the world a great service if you occasionally reminded people why compassion and kindness are so very important in daily living.

  • Sam

    at 4:25 am

    First of all, thank you for the blessing of purpose fairy. It has truly touched my soul & my heart. The articles are poignant to my life & have taught me so much. I appreciate your words very much & cherish them during trying times.

    Suggestions for the future- perhaps quote of the day sent via opt-in text/email? Broader subjects that reach mothers, children, body issues (a biggie for women) and loss.

    I also would remove the links to the right. Focus on social media or classier affiliate programs to help drive traffic.

    Hope this helps

  • Lea

    at 12:03 am

    Hi Purpose fairy,

    I have been reading and practising spirituality for about 25 years but have really enjoyed your readings. Your postings are very easy to read and, I just checked the 15 things to give up article and didn’t really notice any grammatical errors. Maybe I will have to check more articles. Usually I notice spelling and grammar mistakes when reading anything as I am a university lecturer and am quite pedantic. Keep up the good work.

  • Gillie Davies

    at 11:04 pm

    Be you, I believe that is what we have been reading, Your thoughts and inspirations carried here in your own personal way, which is clearly working. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it springs to minds. Clearly growth is happening and will continue to do so as you personally grow. For me what you say here is not new, but is reflected in a refreshing way that allows me to visit my inner garden and tend my flowers and seedlings, if you change your focus you may lose your strength. typos are not always bad as they make us concentrate on what we are reading, rather than skim reading. Great work, thank you for it. Blessings. Gillie

  • Dan Goldberg

    at 10:02 pm


    I believe that people are searching for meaning beyond the material. They’ve seen what lust for materialism has done to our societies and many (but know all) people have begun to recognize the myth. As you and I both know
it’s time for people to embrace a greater energy (as you have seen from my posts and writings – and I have seen from yours). That message also addresses, to some degree, what Eugenia mentioned – but encompasses even more.

    Those are my thoughts. Except one other thing. I think you’re doing a fantastic job and service and
appreciate everything you’ve put forth, including the feedback you’ve given to my posts as well. Thank you so very much!

    All my best,

  • Heather

    at 8:54 pm

    I love this website. I would agree with focusing on the spelling and grammatical errors. Overall i just appreciate the no nonsense messages. Ive always had this ‘out of the box’ thinking but your articles help me put things into action and serve as a daily reminder of how i know i should be thinking and focusing on. Its so easy to get caught up in going through the motions of living. This website is like my mediation
it grounds me and brings me back to what i already know but may not be focusing on at that moment. Light and love to you. This website is part of my daily routine now.

  • Lauren

    at 7:58 pm

    I love the PurposeFairy and have been recommending it to my friends. I find the articles to be right on as it relates to my way of thinking. In today’s turbulent times, I find I need a publication that puts my thoughts and feelings into perspective. It is so easy to get distracted when you are posting on FB, hearing all types of bad news and just struggling to make ends meet. I NEED the PurposeFairy, so I cannot thank you enough for spending your time sharing with all of us. As far as constructive feedback. . .please work on the typos and grammar. I would be more than happy to proofread articles for you for free. Just let me know and I’m happy to help. I am so grateful to you. It would be my honor to be of some assistance. Please keep up the good work! xoxo Lauren

  • Denise

    at 7:29 pm

    I love the article, “15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy”, and have shared it on Facebook and subscribed to this page. As an improvement, I would agree about the grammar and spelling, since mistakes make fluent reading difficult and cause one to lose the train of thought.
    Peace to you.

  • Eugenia Kolec

    at 6:46 pm

    i discovered “purposefairy” earlier this year and posted the “15 things” article and others. yes, i definitely think you should proofread your work. i do see people of all ages looking for motivation to simplify and make their lives more meaningful on many different levels. materialism is taking a beating, thank God the 80’s are gone! hedonism, the “buy stuff to have stuff” mentality is going. yes, some people still have a lot of money, but more don’t and are getting by with less. wayne dyer and other motivational/inspirational writers and their philosophies on life should be featured in your articles. i also think you have to get into serious stuff, like fighting addictions such as overeating, alcoholism, pornography, undereating, gambling. overall, you are on the right track
start digging deeper and flesh out your articles. maybe have a purposefairy quote for the day. i really love this column, for i have been reading wayne dyer from his first book and have been in therapy for many things. i have beaten an addiction and i know i couldn’t have done it without help and support. maybe get some internet support groups going on facebook
specific pages for each of the addictions i mentioned. bless you and continue to expand your purpose!

  • Jason Hollister

    at 6:34 pm

    I’m wondering what “the next level” looks like for you? You’ve done alright so far by listening to your own heart. Can you share a bit more about where it is suggesting you take this?

    I see purposefairy as an ongoing dialog, helping me focus my attention on who I am and how I want to change. And coming as it does in small chunks, on a daily basis, it doesn’t get forgotten on a shelf, but instead is constantly coming to my attention.

    So I think it is of great value as it is, and I hope you are moved to continue it; that you will build upon it rather than replace it.

    — Jason

  • Samantha

    at 6:05 pm

    Yes, PLEASE just focus on the typos and grammatical errors – they are quite disctracting. A quick proof-read never hurt! Otherwise, all of your articles are well written and helpful!! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing! 🙂


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