What happened to simple and kind human connections? ~ Tejal Patel of Astitva Seekers
In the past year, I changed my role as a practicing attorney to a small business owner of a banquet facility called The Washington. Though I have attended events, planned parties, and dined at restaurants, this is my first experience managing a catering and event planning business.
Providing impeccable service and food is the foundation of our business. No matter what our intentions, if we didn’t have a server team that followed our philosophy, our vision wouldn’t be carried through. I spent a lot of time building a server team that fits with our philosophy of providing, kind, courteous, and helpful service to our guests. This was no easy task.
Creating Genuine Human Connections
During some of the events, I was appalled to see how some of my best servers were treated by the guests. Orders were barked at them, no please or thank you’s and I heard some people make rude comments based on how my servers looked.
My servers are mothers, fathers, teachers, business owners, or college graduates struggling to find a job in this economy. A lot of them have full-time jobs and do this for extra cash. Some of them are people who we personally know, who have full-time careers but help us in a bind when we are short-staffed. At their regular jobs, they aren’t treated as poorly.
Watching hard working and kind people being treated in a rude manner had me question…
What happened to simple and kind human connections?
We talk on our cell phone when placing an order at our coffee shop or fast food joint. It’s as if we don’t have five seconds to give the person servicing us our undivided attention. We don’t make eye contact with cashiers, bellboys or servers. We allow our children to talk down to the receptionist or secretary but talk with the utmost professionalism with the doctor/boss. We don’t even feel comfortable smiling and sparking a conversation with the person living in your apartment building.
Make it your daily mantra to find ways to Spread Love and Connect to everyone you meet during the day. ~Tejal Patel of Astitva Seekers
How did we become a society that associates a person’s worth based on the job they have, how much money they make, or how they look?
After seeing how my staff was being treated, it opened my eyes on how I have been disconnected and judging those around me. I made a conscious effort to wake up each morning with the mission to spread love and kindness to all those I meet.
5 Ways to Creating Genuine Human Connections
1. Remember the manners your Momma taught you
When someone is providing you a service or is helping you, don’t forget your manners. Make sure you are giving them your undivided attention at that moment, actively listen and remember those please and thank you!
2. Look everyone in the eyes when you speak to them
We need to stop dehumanizing people and take a moment to look them in the eyes when interacting with them. You may realize how many of us feel uncomfortable looking others in the eyes.
The eyes are the windows of the soul. It is hard to judge someone based on external factors like their job and how they look if we are focusing on their eyes and the radiance and life that shines through. We can connect to people on a whole new level when we appreciate that we are all equal not superior or inferior to anyone.
3. If you appreciated what someone did for you, let them know
If you appreciate someone’s service or kindness, make it your intention to tell them. If your server did a remarkable job give them a good tip AND tell their manager. So many times we take for granted when someone does something nice for us or they go above and beyond what they should do. Go beyond the “Thank You” and really express how their actions made you feel.
A person’s worth is not defined by their job, it’s defined by how kind their soul is. ~Tejal Patel of Astitva Seekers
Knowing you made an impression on someone makes that person want to continue to be kind. By you acknowledging their positive qualities you’ll feel amazing and want to be a better person as well. It will begin a circle of kindness and be spreading the love!
4. If someone gives bad service, don’t react with negativity, stay calm
It’s easy to be kind to people who are nice to you. The real challenge comes when people are rude and give you bad service. When dealing with a bitter person ask:
If you knew what someone was going through in their life would you treat them differently?
We don’t know what’s happening in others life for them to react the way they do. Don’t take the rudeness of others personally. Their actions have everything to do with their own unhappiness which they are projecting to others. There were days that you weren’t having the best day and might have treated people poorly. Don’t justify your poor behavior based on how someone else reacts.
The most difficult people need the most kindness to break their pain. Be compassionate to someone who you don’t think deserves it. Not only will you help them, but your peace of mind and compassion grows with each kind act.
5. Learn to say hi and smile at strangers
You would be surprised how much it warms your heart to receive a kind smile from an unknown person. It’s almost as good as getting attention from the person you have a crush on. You feel connected and one with them at that moment. You share that moment with someone you don’t know.
We tend to be caught in our mind, look down and pretend not to see others. Look up, smile and embrace the people passing you by. I’ve had some pretty amazing moments with strangers by simply feeling their warmth and smile of their kind hello. It does marvels for your day and helps you grow the feeling of connection with others.
The Importance of Creating Genuine Human Connections
My experience of owning a banquet hall opened my eyes to the importance of connecting not only with your family and friends but also strangers and people serving you. Whether we know someone for 30 seconds or 70 years, make an effort to kindly and compassionately connect to every person who is present in your life.
** I would love to know when was the last time you did something spontaneously… When was the last time you spoke to a stranger? Join the conversation in the comment section below.
Tejal Patel
Tejal Patel is a former divorce attorney reinvented her life, based on her terms and is now a new generation spiritual inspirer, a children’s yoga teacher and Reiki healer. Tejal is the creator of Astitva Seekers, a place she inspires others to spread love, live consciously and create lasting happiness. Stay connected to her weekly Vlogs at www.astitvaseekers.com and on Facebook.
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