Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it. ~Jacques Prévert
The Way out of Happiness
At the age of 5, I sang at the Playboy Club. At 10 years old, I got the part of Lady Macbeth in a school production of Macbeth. Growing up I sang and acted whenever and wherever I could. Performing was what I loved, what I was good at, and what I did… without thinking about it.
When I grew up enough to learn the art of messing with one’s mind. My bullet train to success began to derail as it made pit stops at:
“You’re not that good of a singer.
There are so many talented actresses who never catch a break
The odds are against you.
You’d better have a backup plan.”
I had been on the express train until my resident monster squatter hijacked my brain, took the controls and made these pit(y) stops creating self-doubts. These doubts created uncertainty in my abilities and dampened my determination to believe in what was possible vs. probable.
You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind. ~Darwin P. Kingsley
When we’re younger, we act (or do) first and think later. As we get older, we think, and think, and think, and sometimes never get around to doing. Sometimes it’s because we’re not sure of what it is we want to do, or we’re afraid, or we worry about the ‘how’ it could ever materialize.
You can stay alert to opportunities by being grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty. When your preparedness meets opportunity, the solution will spontaneously appear. ~Deepak Chopra
If you’re worried about ‘how’ it will happen, don’t. Just don’t. When you take a few steps forward every day, you will arrive where you need to be. Also expect that there will be surprises and destinations along the way that you could never have planned for, or imagined. As a performer, I always wished for an additional way to fill my creative tank without being dependent on the seemingly random casting process. While I still have faith that my acting pipeline hasn’t dried up, I would never have guessed that the fuel to top off my tank would be writing.
If you haven’t yet discovered your passion and your vision is blurry, don’t force it. I have found that life’s viewfinder will focus on what it is you are supposed to be doing when it’s time. We want the light to be shed on the answer now, but we need to be patient and trust that it is in the darkroom where our picture will develop. Welcome uncertainty. Detach from the outcome.
In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty…in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. ~Deepak Chopra
Be prepared, and be open to all possibilities. Exciting opportunities await when you are in a mindset to receive them. Do not allow the monster DJ of KFUK radio in your head to control you. These are old beliefs from an old playlist. Don’t copy and paste them to your life now. Go find that file in your playlist labeled something like, “Operation Sabotage” and delete it from your mental hard drive. Thinking can help us move on our way, instead of getting in our way! Begin inputting encouraging, positive data, including all you are grateful for. The results will be astounding!
How often do you catch yourself thinking your way out of happiness, out of acting upon your heart’s desires? Share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below 🙂
Nancy Lang
Nancy Lang is a published author, professional actress, Certified Life Coach and M.D. (Maven of Dating!). It was her role as a divorced woman that inspired her to write the book, You Want Me to What?!—The Dating Adventures and Life Lessons of a Newly Divorced Woman (available on Amazon). To read more of Nancy’s adventures, and her poignant and humorous view of life's lessons, visit her weekly blog at www.nancytellsall.com, or her Twitterand Facebook pages.
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