“In order to experience everyday spirituality, we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body.” ~ Barbara de Angelis
Exploring your spiritual, deeper, more mysterious side can be one of the most exhilarating experiences of your life. Spirituality can give you clarity, vision, and guidance where you had confusion, disappointment and lack of purpose. It can awaken your senses and arouse your intuition.
Spiritual truths can answer many important questions and give you the ability to see things beyond the surface. Everything begins to take on a deeper significance and your choices no longer stem from ignorance of the universal spiritual laws.
The Benefits of Integrating Spirituality into Your Daily Life
Rather than blaming everyone and everything for what you do not have you begin to examine your thought patterns, emotions, behaviors and overall ways of relating to the world. You become aware that as you shift your perspective, your experience of the world can transform speedily and drastically.
1. Connection
People who say that as you become more spiritual, life becomes more serious; have a lack of understanding of real spirituality. The more connected you become to the spirit within you, the lighter things get, as you develop an ability to laugh at yourself more and to recognize that this world is a playground for exploration.
You also realize that joy, happiness, fun, and laughter are integral parts of your life and are necessary for your overall well-being.
2. Fun
I would often say that healing has to be fun for it to work. The more fun something is, the less resistance we have to experience it. When there is no resistance, life, well-being, joy, wonderful opportunities and abundance can flow effortlessly into our lives.
3. Freedom
The more spiritual you become, the more freedom you feel to be yourself and to allow others to be themselves. Your need to criticize others dramatically decreases and compassionate understanding take its place. You will also become softer with yourself and the people around you. You may even find yourself drawn to people you would usually have little interest in. Thus, you unlock the gates to the most fascinating, expansive, delicious connections with others and love, care and sweetness you could only dream of. Synchronicities become a regular phenomenon and life becomes a real adventure.
How fantastic would it be to wake up every day and know that anything is possible? You may meet a person who will change your life, receive an amazing job offer, discover an important piece of information, receive a positive surprise or have a deeply spiritual experience.
4. Mystery
There is well-known saying that ‘spirit works in mysterious ways.’ Wouldn’t you want to be part of the mystery, knowing that every day holds an opportunity to transcend the ordinary and enter the realm of the extraordinary? The most beautiful thing is that you don’t have to work out how things will happen, just be open to amazing opportunities entering your life.
5. Different perspective
As you come into a spiritual communion with your Divine essence, you begin to attract people into your life, who will have a deeper connection and an understanding of who you are and what is important to you. Thus, you may expand your circle of friends, from people who are close to your age and your experience of life to people from all walks of life who will offer different perspectives than what you know.
Integrating spirituality into your life is a unique process, which requires time, connection with yourself and deep and profound exploration.
A way that you know that you are moving forward in your life is that you feel that you are growing and expanding.
“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It’s just that the translations have gone wrong.” ~ John Lennon
Inna Segal
Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the bestselling award-winning author of The Secret Language of Your Body, The Secret Language of Color Cards and The Secret of Life Wellness. Inna travels worldwide leading courses on healing and transformation. For further information please visit www.innasegal.com
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