“Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.” ~ Henry Winkler
We’ve all done it. We’ve all searched for the answers to our most complex life’s questions. Whether through reading the latest self-help book, attending seminars by the latest motivational speaker, sitting at the feet of a great “guru,” or visiting a noted psychic, we have hoped someone could help us find our way.
We’ve all spent the money, time and energy searching. Yet somehow we always come away still yearning for more.
Like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, while we were looking for our way home, following the yellow brick road, we didn’t realize our answers were already there. Our quest to meet the Wizard – the one who could teach us all we needed to know, ends when we finally stop searching “out there”.
We realize our greatest teacher is someone who has been with us all along. Albeit, someone we may not really know all that well.
In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, the opening mantra before every session is “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,” which means: “I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine teacher.”
The mantra is used to tune the student into the “divine flow” and the knowledge we all carry inside us. The great teacher is you. No one can give you the knowledge or wisdom you need greater than what you can give yourself. The Divine teacher is contained within each of us.
4 Steps to Finding Your Inner Voice
Our challenge is we often don’t know how to begin meeting ourselves. The journey to the classroom of your greatest teacher follows this path:
1. Be Willing To Be Still
We can not hear the divine knowledge if we are not willing to be still. And I’m not referring to just closing your eyes and sitting. Being truly still requires quieting of the mind, stopping all the chatter and being willing to hear what lies underneath. You have to be truly present with yourself. A very hard task if you’ve been avoiding your truest deepest self.
When I ask if people meditate, the responses are typical that there isn’t enough time, or it seems silly – just to sit there and do nothing. Others tell me that it’s useless because they can’t stop the chatter in their minds.
There is usually a reason for our hesitancy. Anxiety can exist in just being quiet, completely letting go of all thought. It takes courage to be in silence to hear the lesson which we can teach ourselves. Don’t give up. Be patient and you will learn what your divine nature is trying to teach.
2. Be Willing To Accept The Teacher Who Shows Up
Once you have cast aside all thoughts and chatter, you will meet your teacher. He or she will be some form of your higher self. Be willing to accept, however “you” look.
The first time I truly became quiet, I met myself as a young woman around the age of 30. I didn’t however, like what I saw. I almost didn’t recognize myself.
I looked exhausted, my cheeks drawn in, eyes wide with pain and I sat on the ground with my arms reaching up as if asking for help to even stand. This worn out exhausted version of myself was pleading for me to help her.
I wanted to run from her.
She scared me.
I stood my ground and listened.
I heard what she was teaching me. This younger exhausted version of me was there to show what my inner-self was really feeling. At that time in life, I was ignoring my needs.
I was working so hard at taking care of everyone else, I did not take the time to care for her. I was struggled to juggle being a single mother with a professional career.
This teacher was telling me that she needed help. I had to find the courage to reach out to her, scoop her up in my arms and care for her.
In essence, be willing to accept the teacher who appears. It might be a younger version of you, or an older one, or a version you have never seen.
Be willing to accept however the “inner you” appears. The next time your teacher appears, don’t be surprised if he or she looks completely different. Each new lesson may bring a different teacher. Be willing to accept the teacher who shows up.
3. Be Willing To Learn
Whatever the lesson presented to you, be willing to learn. Maybe the lesson will be a joyful one or one of appreciation. Once my teacher showed me how to dance with joy.
A young happy version of myself appeared with her arms outstretched and her head was thrown back in joy, teaching me how it looks to feel free and happy. Maybe it will be a lesson requiring courage because the instructions are words you haven’t been willing to hear.
Whatever the message, it will be the most important lesson you need to learn in that moment of time. All the searching outside of yourself could never provide the answers your higher self will give you.
The silence is always filled with the wisdom of words we need.
We only need to be willing to learn.
4. Be Willing To Share
The final step in being a student of life is to share what you learn. Your lesson will always reveal a tidbit about finding your true self. Be willing to share your authentic self with others.
Every time we share of ourselves from an honest place, we give the gift of ourselves to others. And when you share the lessons you then teach others that it’s okay to accept themselves.
As you share, you will learn more about yourself. “When one teaches, two learn”. You are meant to be your greatest teacher, to know yourself and be you.
This is how we change the world, one student, one teacher at a time.
Have you learned to hear and trust your inner voice? Do you agree that your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything? If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path? Share your insights by commenting below
Lexlee Overton
Lexlee is living bravely as a trial lawyer, business owner, founder/CEO of a life-saving non-profit, wife, and mother. From being a winning female trial lawyer in a male-dominated courtroom to growing a thriving business during motherhood, Lexlee has experienced a challenging journey advocating for others, which led her to a mission of self-advocacy for living authentically, passionately, and boldly. You can read more about her journey on her website www.livebraver.com.
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