“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Stagnant lifestyles are the common denominator of the western world. We work Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, two days off for the weekend, get 2 weeks of holidays. We watch 2 hours of television each night. We sleep less than 7 hours a night. Get up and repeat. Our daily lives are stagnant generally speaking and even though we are alive, there ain’t much life in our lives.
“It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Here are 9 ways to bring more life into your everyday life.
1. Let go of the daily TV routine.
In a world of PVR capability, take advantage of the technology, take control of your TV time. If you work Monday to Friday, limit TV time to Friday and Saturday nights. Get caught up on the week’s shows if you must, and focus the time to specific nights where you won’t jeopardize your morning wake up for work the next day.
2. Work out every day.
Be it a 10-minute stretch, or a full on 2 hour, sweat dropping routine. Our bodies need to move, we are not meant to be sedentary. Experts are claiming that Sitting is the new smoking… our day jobs sitting at a desk is killing us just as fast as smoking cigarettes.
3. Don’t beat yourself up for not working out every day.
Remember the rollercoaster, well sometimes it’s time to get off. A day off from eating right, or working out embodies the idea of change. The catch to this one though, is to pick yourself up and get back to eating right and working out, the next day… the longer you delay, the less likelihood of getting back into that healthy routine.
4. Get some sleep.
As a society, we are running hard every day. We feel we need to do more, and sleep less. In reality, we should do less and sleep more. For our bodies to regenerate properly, we need 7 to 8 hours of solid sleep every night. Without the right amount of sleep, we can’t process our foods correctly, can’t heal our bodies in a timely fashion, causing added stress, compounding the problem keeping us awake.
5. Unplug.
We are a connected society now, constantly checking emails, Facebook, Twitter. Why is it so important to know what Ashton Kutcher is saying on twitter now… what does it matter what friend is eating what and posting to Facebook. I’m not saying drop them completely, but much like Television, limit your intake. Take 10minutes each morning, 10minutes at lunch and then again after work. Otherwise, close it off. If it’s a big enough deal, you’ll hear about it in the morning. If it’s truly a personal issue, have them call you. Not only will you have more personal time, you’ll likely have less anxiety caused by other’ s need to vent negative feelings.
6. Look at everything in the positive light.
Too often we fall into the trap of complaining. Things we don’t have, things we don’t get. Enough with the don’ts focus on the dos. What DO you have, what DO you get. Life is not fair, but it does all equal out in the end, so be grateful for what you have, not what you don’t have. Negative energy sucks the life out of you, positive energy enlightens, drives you forward.
7. Spend quality time with your loved ones.
Stop the rat race one night a week, and sit down for dinner together. If you are fortunate enough, go to a nice restaurant, something simple and quiet. Or if you prefer, stay home, but keep it simple. The idea is for everyone to take the time and catch up the old fashioned way (talking face to face), while not stressing over the chore associated with a meal. We need human connection (that’s why Facebook, Twitter etc. are hugely popular), however the virtual connection you get with Facebook etc. is a false perception. It’s like sugar, empty calories that has a quick jolt of satisfaction, but leaves you feeling empty after the crash.
8. Surround yourself with the right people.
Much like it is hard to say no to eating chocolate if you work at a chocolate factory, not picking up on negativity if you hang around negative people is almost impossible. Surround yourself with positive people, enforcing the gratitude for life will help you when you are down, and bring you more happiness than you thought possible.
9. Travel the world.
Earth is a beautiful planet, with an infinite range of possibilities to explore. Some people never leave their own country, let alone perhaps their town or city. Expand your experiences to other cultures, other lifestyles. You will truly learn to appreciate the simpler aspects of life, and re-evaluate what you do.
Life is short, make the most of it while you are here. Being fit and healthy ensures that the time you do have is spent in enjoyment. We are meant to be happy, our soul yearns for it. Get started today on changing your life for the better, but remember, you are Human, so it’s OK to get off the ride from time to time, just remember to get back on, or risk falling into the abyss.
What is one thing you could do today to bring more life into your life? What is one thing you could to make you feel alive and in touch with your heart and soul? You can share your comment by joining the conversation below:)
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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