“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Today we have a very beautiful and peaceful guided meditation that is meant to help you get in touch with the positive and happy side of life. Leaving you feeling grateful, refreshed, inspired, full of life and full of love 🙂
Before you begin, remember to first, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the next 1o minutes. Second, find a comfortable position to sit – it can be on a chair, crossed legged or on your knees, or lay down and when you’re ready, press play. Once the meditation session is over, you can share your experience with all of us by commenting below.
Stay Positive and Happy: Guided Meditation
P.S. If you want to learn how you can think positive, make sure you read 8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking.
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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