Interesting Things You Didn't Know About Purpose Fairy

With the recent design changes that have taken place here on PurposeFairy, I thought it would also be great to introduce a new way communication with you through my posts.

Since I see you all of you as my friends, I’ve decided that apart from the usual personal growth posts and stuff related to different ways of finding happiness and purpose in life, I will also start sharing things about me that are more personal.

So, where do I begin? I was born in Suceava, a small beautiful town in Romania – Europe, the country where the amazing Nadia Comaneci was born, the country of Dracula. I learned English while watching TV – movies, and cartoons (we had subtitles back then) and later on in school.

If you read the posts here on my blog, you will often find spelling errors and grammatical mistakes and the funny thing is that you will probably find them as you read through this post right now. If you care about the actual message more than you do about punctuation and spelling errors you might ignore these mistakes and continue reading but if you can’t do that, you might stop and miss out on reading some interesting things.

One interesting thing is that a few years ago I was feeling so lost, not knowing what I want to do with my life and today I am fortunate enough to say that I work FOR a man I really admire and care deeply about – Vishen Lakhiani, the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, and with some of the biggest names in the personal development field, people like Laura Silva, Lee Holden, Mike Dooley, Burt Goldman, just to name a few, on creating life-transforming programs. Life can be quite interesting at times.

I remember when I first started writing on this blog I had no clue of what I was doing and whether the things I was writing about made any sense or not but things evolved and I grew and the blog did too. In fact, on this blog, you will find the world’s most-read and shared personal growth article and the funny thing is that it was written by me. I find this to be quite interesting… I guess it makes me happy.

But, even though I am a happy, positive and cheerful person, I have days when I wake up feeling cranky, moody, anxious or sad. Well, I guess I have yet to get to the point where I can remain happy all the time. I’ll keep on working on this and keep you posted on how things evolve.

Also, there are times when I get angry and irritated when I see people being mean to one another just because they see themselves as being better and more superior, and even though my mind tells me to slap them, my heart tells me to calm down, take a deep breath remember that we are all ONE.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

There are a lot of things about me that are quite funny and also interesting and in the coming weeks, I will share more and more of who I am because that’s what friends do, right? They share the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. So stay tuned…

And since we’re sharing secrets, you could name one particular thing that you would like to know about me by leaving a comment. I’ll try to pick the most interesting one and answer it in a future post.

~love, Luminita 💫


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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  • Luminita

    at 4:26 am

    Yes Khailee, this is something I would do for sure in the near future and I can’t wait 🙂

  • Khailee

    at 10:15 am

    Will you ever consider video blogging as well?

  • madhurima malladeb

    at 3:59 pm

    what was the toughest thing/ belief/ condition/ person for you to let go…

  • Hollie McCollister

    at 5:10 pm

    Love your blog! I am a mental health therapist and I share it with all of my clients! Keep up the positive work.


  • ANDY

    at 8:46 pm

    I’m glad I have been able to see your pic and read a few inspiring lines about the one person who made so much impression to me about living and living consciously. Accept my gratitude and may the Almighty Creator continue to bless you, strengthen you and grant you wisdom.

  • danaadmin

    at 4:06 pm

    Well, your son is still young, he will find his way 🙂

    I do like to read, I love photography, to spend time in nature, ro travel, daydream and do spontaneous things…

  • danaadmin

    at 4:03 pm

    Oh, that you Lesley. Well, I guess that comes from being true to yourself and that happens, you automatically become wise and insightful.

    So it is not just me, everyone has this in them is just that they forgot is there 🙂 I am not wiser than you or other people, I just am.

  • danaadmin

    at 3:59 pm

    ❤ back at you, Joni 🙂

    I am grateful for a lot of things but the thing I am most grateful for is that I lived in a not too positive environment and in spite of that I managed to give up on all that past conditioning and negativity and become a very positive person, embrace who I am deep down inside and not to care about what other people might think of me (some say that me being so positive and optimistic = being delusional ) Life can be fun, that I know for sure 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:51 pm

    Thank you Debbie, really grateful to see you enjoy reading the posts. When I realized what I wanted to do? Hmm, that is a great question that will require some time to answer and I feel it will be better for me to actually write a post about it. Does this sound like a good idea? 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:43 pm

    Thanks for the great insights David 🙂

    Yes, I do believe that too and I really love the Buddhist quote. Attitude is everything and a positive attitude and perspective is way better and more beneficial than a negative one 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:37 pm

    Not a professional one. I just dance through life 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:36 pm

    Cynthia, that is a really interesting story and I promise to share more about it in my future posts 🙂 xx

  • danaadmin

    at 3:35 pm

    Well, thank you Khaiyong 🙂

  • danaadmin

    at 3:33 pm

    Thanks for your support Ginny. I really love what you told your father about the good conversation 🙂

  • Annmarie

    at 3:19 pm

    I always enjoyed reading and passing on your messages to relatives and friends.
    Congrats on the English. We all make errors, that is part of being human.
    I have always maintained the position of “I love everyone but sometimes hate the things they do” This actually helps me remain calm. I know that each one is unique, so I accept the differences which I may or may not like. I count my blessings daily and have added to my blessings the joy and opportunity of being able to subscribe to Purpose Fairy.
    Thank you much.

  • Debbie

    at 2:45 pm

    I thank you for sharing and look forward to reading the articles and quotes you leave. We don’t always feel wonderful all the time, but working toward being positive makes the most sense to me. How do you deal with the subject of faith?

  • Michael Kaplan

    at 2:44 pm

    You are an amazing soul! I love the way you are so very positive. I have shared many of your posts with people, icluidg myself, that have been working on their codependencies, emotions, actions and most especially their boundaries. I am attracted to your process and I thank you so very much for it. When I need a lift or a shift, I have found Purpose Fairy to help provide it! Thank you formsharing more of your personal growth story! You have a fantastic blog!!

  • Laura

    at 2:23 pm

    Thank you very much for sharing positive and uplifting things in a world of negativity!

    Also, I never paid attention to grammatical errors, so you are doing a great job getting the message communicated!

    4 questions –
    Who inspires you?
    What was the motivating factor for you to start writing this blog? Where is the most interesting and favorite place you have traveled? When you were growing up, what did you think you wanted to do for a career?

    Thank you!

  • Linda

    at 2:13 pm

    How do you deal with our present day hostile , polarized political climate ?i have very strong feelings about the direction America will ultimately take after the election. I, like you try to remind myself that we are all one & I ask myself is it kind, is it true before I do or say something.

  • ginny

    at 1:29 pm

    Love the blog! AND your messages amaze me because you have grasped things far sooner in life than i ever did. Congrats! Appreciate your sharing authentically/vulnerabilities…………….and as for typos/grammar errors i haven’t noticed BUT as you say if you are here to read/get a thought provoking message you will be focusing on content not on looks! i had trouble in this area with my father who was a criminal trial lawyer and loved English/grammar and words! I would instant message him/type notes to him and not capitalize etc… time I just said “if you are wanting perfect grammatically correct documents might have to look in a book……..if you want good conversation with your daughter “here I am” LOL…………..he never corrected me again! ha! Happy Day! no matter what comes into it………….you have touched many people who if we think about it on any given day are ALL connected! How Happy IS THAT!

  • Jennie A

    at 1:16 pm


    I really enjoy all of your posts. I share almost every one I see on facebook. It is my daily reminder to keep going, keep trying and tomorrow I can try again.

    I’m so excited to get to know a little more about how you became who you are today, because you inspire so many.

    Thank you,

    Jennie Andersen

  • What Debbie Loves

    at 12:47 pm

    First I want to say that I love your blog. I think it is so helpful to so many. I have thought about writing one similar for years and never got around to it. I collect a lot of inspirational quotes and articles and I feel that they make a huge difference in my life. I have gone through a lot in the last year, Loss of a parent I loved very much and Loss of a job I loved very much, too much loss for anyone in the period of a year. I am learning to coup and find positive messages and inspiring articles so helpful in keeping my chin up. Thank you. I think what I would like to know if When did you realize that you wanted to do what you are doing now, how did you get involved?

  • lori

    at 10:51 am

    I have never noticed any grammatical issues with your posts. I never would have guess that you are from Romania and english is your second language. I try to share your insights with my 22 year old son as he struggles to find his way in life // sometimes are more successful than others but I find them to be so very helpful to me and I consider you to be a blessing in my life so thank you. I wonder if you have any hobbies besides////purpose fairy?

  • Joni

    at 10:43 am

    Every single time I read your articles, I feel like I’m the main character and you’re writing to help me grow! I’ve passed this site onto several friends and they’re also very grateful.

    What are you most grateful for, from your upbringing? (good or bad)

  • Lesley b

    at 10:26 am

    You are wise beyond your years, purpose fairy. Did some life events shape you and make you so insightful?

  • Jennie

    at 8:26 am

    You have nothing to apologise for regarding your spelling and grammar. It is of a higher standard than many who have English as their first language. (Trust me, I’m a teacher 😉 Content is everything. I have many personal concerns at the moment and these postings are very nurturing, supportive and inspirational. Thank you!

  • David J. Singer

    at 8:11 am


    I enjoyed this post. Your usual, authentic self, with some extra personal in it.

    Some things to think about…

    When you say this: “But, even though I am a happy, positive and cheerful person, I have days when I wake up feeling cranky, moody, anxious or sad. Well, I guess I have yet to get to the point where I can remain happy all the time. I’ll keep on working on this”

    I like that goal, and feel much the same way you do, but also have learned that it’s part of being human to be unhappy sometimes. I’ve been reading a lot of great works in the Buddhist tradition this year and one line goes like this: “Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional.” I think that means that things will happen and it’s only natural that you will not be happy when they do, but where you go from there is a choice you make.

    And this is a way of thinking and acting that you often talk about in your writing, and in fact you do so in the very next paragraph of your post: “Also, there are times when I get angry and irritated when I see people being mean to one another just because they see themselves as being better and more superior, and even though my mind tells me to slap them, my heart tells me to calm down, take a deep breath remember that we are all ONE.”

    Keep up the good work — for yourself, and as an inspiration to us. 🙂

    Best regards,


  • Louise Cohn

    at 7:21 am

    Are you a dancer?

  • Cynthia Berthiaume

    at 4:41 am

    How did you end up in your current position creating life transforming programs?

  • Marty Mullins

    at 4:26 am

    Love your contributions, positiveness, optimism, thoughtfulness, pensiveness, openness, and more. I would like to know what you would share about how you FIRST decided to become more than you were before… like how you began your journey into caring, sharing, writing, and teaching.

  • khaiyong

    at 4:16 am

    Absolutely LOVE the new blog! 🙂


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