Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~Jim Morrison
Shooting Straight from the Hip
Fear is a mighty, malevolent and strong emotion. Why does it have so much potency in our lives?
The media, governments and big business corporations galvanize us into believing or buying into so many illusory reasons to fear the worst case scenarios (as made up by them). They usually claim to hold the answer to all your problems too – not in the least bit suspicious, right?
We also need to take responsibility for giving credence to and creating our own fears, literally stifling ourselves with things to worry about.
Every time you give into fear you feed negativity and give it more power. In fact, you give away your own power in the process. Fear is a choice, like it or not.
There are, of course, many different types of fear but they are all grounded in the act of giving your power away. When we come up against any fear, we are actually being presented with a chance from the universe to be brave and face up to it. Get to the nitty-gritty and uncover the truth about why we are so afraid or uncomfortable.
Stripping Fear
Let’s get to the core of anxiety. What is fear?
In order to work this emotion back into the light, we need to find its polar opposite. This, simply put, is LOVE. When you inject love into fear it dissipates. It has no stronghold in the presence of love. But how do I start projecting love when my knees are knocking?
Well, let’s address what is called heart-centered living — I’m sure you’ve all probably heard that word by now. People are talking about it a lot and as airy-fairy and lace-clad as it may seem — there is a solid foundation of truth in it.
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Heart-Based Quickening
When you work through your heart, based primarily upon how you are feeling about something (as opposed to working through your mind and how you think about something), you are guided by a more truthful resonance of picking up subtle nuances from your surroundings rather than being directed by what reason dictates.
So even though we are in need of our minds and pensiveness, we have been dominated by left-brain thinking for centuries. A shift is occurring, not to totally disregard our thoughts but to channel through the heart and then process through the mind. In other words, not just to go straight to the head and bypass our hearts or how we are feeling intuitively.
Rationality can be useful but it has, in some cases, left our instinctive abilities to wither in its heated presence. Sometimes our ‘logic’ has actually hindered and held us back from following our bliss because ‘society dictates otherwise’ or ‘the norm is to…’ — be careful of whose ‘norm’ you are conceding to.
It’s that age old conflict between science and spirituality (left-brain versus right-brain) — the solution to which is using both in balance.
3 Key factors to transmute fear are remembering that:
Don’t buy into it. Think of all the things you have feared in the past — did any come true? If yes, did you survive it? I take it you did if you are reading this. The energy or vibration of fear draws that which you worry about closer to you. Have you ever been with someone who is not afraid of dogs but you are. When a dog comes running at you both, it goes for you, my sweaty-palmed friend, not your companion. Animals, as you probably know, can sense fear — so can the universe and the universe is impartial. It acquiesces to what it thinks you desire via your frequency output. Your emotions are pointing towards fear? Expect life to become frightening then. The only thing you should fear is fear itself.
Get used to being tuned into your feelings and steering them to safer shores. When you are in fear, inject some love into your aura by thinking of someone you love, your favorite pet, the infectious chuckle of your child or grandchild or a blissful memory. This is how you get to expand on the feeling of love in the face of fear. Show fear that you have too much love in your heart. Fear is a mental construct in the absence of love. Trust your instincts.
Short, sweet and to the point. If you want to be self-empowered then the first things you need are awareness and the ability to take responsibility for your actions. These two fundamental principles are gateways for you to realize your inherent potential. You are a co-creator, take responsibility for that and take control.
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela
With all my love,
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Cherie Roe Dirksen
Cherie is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician living in the Klein Karoo, South Africa. She has weekly blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.comwhere she discusses practical and insightful perspectives on taking responsibility for your life and following your bliss.You can follow her on Facebook, on Pinterest, on LinkedIn and on YouTube.
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