Do you have a person that is extra special in your life? Want to give them an idea of just how special they are?
Whether it’s your parents, siblings, bestie, or significant other, making someone you love feel special doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can do it every day.
(No skywriting required.)
51 Everyday Ways to Make Someone You Love Feel Special
1. Make time. Vow to yourself that you won’t let “life” get in the way of letting them know how important they are.
2. Listen to the full story and ask questions. Listen to them vent without solving the problem (unless they want you to!). Listen to what they are really trying to tell you. Listen with your undivided attention.
3. Ask them to teach you something.
4. Try to learn one of their hobbies this way they’ll definitely feel special.
5. See them. I mean REALLY see them. See their endless potential. See their unique beauty.
6. Recognize what makes them special and let them know it.
7. Send something handwritten. No one seems to do this anymore. It can be a thank you note, a birthday card, or a letter just because.
8. Learn all of their favorites and surprise them with something you know that they’ll just LOVE.
9. Put the phone away when you are together, making them feel special to you.
10. Or pick it up when you’re apart. Go beyond a text and give them a call to let them know you’re thinking of them. Return their calls if you missed them.
11. Go on an adventure. Set aside a day or a weekend to spend time together. Invite them along somewhere that neither of you has been.

12. Create a new memory together.
13. Share a memory that you have of them. The best are those situations that they had no idea you’d remember.
14. Share your side of the story of how you met.
15. Follow up with them after they’ve shared something important with you or after spending time together.
16. Introduce them to the important people in your life.
17. Connect them with someone you know they’ll hit it off with.
18. Ask them what they want to do.
19. Or take care of all of the planning and let them just relax.
20. Show them affection in whatever way they’re comfortable with.
21. See the best in them and they will for sure feel special.
22. Let them know that the way they feel or the way they see a situation is real and understandable.
23. Get them out of the house on a beautiful day.
24. Stay in and have a Netflix marathon together on a gloomy day.
25. Make them feel special and just be there when they need you, even if you need to cancel your plans.
26. Let them get to know the real you. Share your dreams and your fears.
27. Get to know the real them. Fears, dreams, imperfections – everything.
28. Send an article that you think they’d enjoy. Let them know that it made you think of them.
29. Take pictures together. Splurge on professional pictures, hop in the photo booth at the mall, or whip out the camera for an impromptu photo shoot.
30. Go with them on their quest to find the perfect pair of jeans. Or shoes. Or sunglasses. Or…you get the idea.
31. Offer to help them with a tedious task.
32. Include them in group plans.
33. Remind them of how amazing they are any time they forget.
34. Stand up for them if you hear someone gossiping about them.
35. Speak kindly of them – even when they’re not there.
36. Keep their secrets as if they were your own.
37. Share secrets of your own.
38. Remember their important days. What is their favorite holiday? What is the day that they start a new job? When are their kids’ birthdays? Make an effort to remember and check in with them on the important days in their life.
39. Give heartfelt compliments, apologies, and thanks.
40. Bring them soup when they’re sick. Bake them cookies when they’re sad.
41. Offer to be by their side on their worst days.
42. Be their person. No questions asked.
43. Surprise them with something totally ridiculous just because you know that they’ll get a kick out of it. This is a great way of making them feel special.

44. Check in on them when you’re worried.
45. Celebrate their successes.
46. Help out someone that is important in their life.
47. Make them feel special by letting it be about them. Don’t turn their story or their problem into your story or problem, and don’t try to outdo them. Let the day, the story, the situation be about them.
48. Believe in them when they are in doubt.
49. Hang in there when things are rough between the two of you.
50. Support them in their goals and aspirations. If they need you to dress up as a hot dog and pass out fliers, you’re the one to call.
51. Do all of this and ask for nothing in return but true friendship and caring.
** Have a #52 of your own? I’d love to hear it! Leave a comment and share how you make your person feel special.
Leslie Ralph
Leslie is a writer and artist who hopes to leave the world a little brighter than she found it. Her people are soul-searchers, deep feelers, and big-hearted dreamers that crave inner peace and inner truth. Download her free ritual for receiving to bring true healing, inner peace, and lasting joy into your life.
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