“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Our lives can become busy and hectic with large to-do lists and commitments to keep up with. We are constantly on the go, feeling as though life is one big race.
Life doesn’t have to be complicated. By making some subtle changes to our daily routine and attitude, we can simplify our lives and the space around us.
Small actions of kindness, appreciating the little things in life and the act of self-love all contribute to living a simple lifestyle.
Life doesn’t have to be complicated, let’s keep it simple.
Here are 5 steps to simplify your life:
1. Simplify your life by making your bed in the morning.
As basic as it may seem, by making our bed in the morning it gives us a positive start to our day ahead. My excuse used to be that I was too busy to make my bed, which lead to me feeling all over the place, but since changing this I feel more organized and ready to take on the day.
We don’t have to make our bed in the morning, so it’s an act of discipline. It makes us feel better, keeps our home space looking refreshed and gives us a tidy mind.
2. Simplify your life by De-Cluttering your home.
“Clutter is stuck energy. The word “clutter” derives from the Middle English word “clotter,” which means to coagulate – and that’s about as stuck as you can get.” ~ Karen Kingston
Are there clothes in your wardrobe that you haven’t worn for years? It’s time to throw them out! Don’t be afraid to declutter your home and get rid of anything that no longer serves you.
The thought of decluttering used to worry me, I never liked the idea of it before I made it a fun and creative experience.
Our home is a place for you to relax and feel comfortable, so we must give it that attention by only keeping the things around us that make us feel that way.
3. Simplify your life by breathing in fresh air.
Spending time outdoors in nature helps us to ground and re-energize. Breathing in fresh air is good for us, so taking a short walk can help to refresh us.
Since I have been doing this, I’ve felt so much more focused and at peace with myself and the world around me.
Spending time around nature not only makes us feel healthier, but it also gives us more brain power.
4. Simplify your life by organizing your work space.
Do you really need everything you have on your work desk? It’s easy to allow it to pile up, but it’s unnecessary and unproductive.
Organize and clear away any object or item on your work desk that feels unhelpful to you. Your work space is a place for you to be focused and productive, so only keep the things around this space that make you feel this way.
5. Simplify your life by giving yourself a break.
We can’t do it all, we’re only human. Make your to do list manageable by cutting it in half with a realistic time frame to work towards.
If you feel life is getting on top of you, to the extent of burnout then it’s time to re-evaluate your boundaries and question whether you are saying yes too much to others, and no to yourself.
Remember to allow yourself time to rest and re-energize for a more simple and productive lifestyle.
‘Life doesn’t have to be complicated, let’s keep it simple”.
Holly Inspires
Holly Inspires is a Spiritual Teacher & Life Coach. Her passion is to help motivate and teach self improvement for a balanced lifestyle. Holly makes videos to inspire you on living a positive life style, motivation and self improvement on her youtube channel and website. Holly has a Meditation iPhone app which she has created offering 6 guided meditations to help with different areas of your life, including Gratitude, Self Love, Letting Go, Spiritual Awareness and more.
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1 Comment
at 5:29 am
Basic,Simple living..Great reminder.. I love No. 1