Life can get us down. We can work hard towards certain goals only to find that after much sweat and toil things can collapse, leaving us bewildered and often angry. In these challenging times it’s all too easy to abandon our work in frustration and ‘throw in the towel,’ giving up on all our attempts to succeed the next time around.
I know this feeling very well, but in my experience this might be the very spot where things can turn around, where, if we carry on with determine resolve, we can push forward to an eventual victory. Horace’s words very much hold true to me: “ Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.”
How to Live Life Wisely One Day At a Time
When we quiet our minds for any prolonged period, we can start to create the conditions for insights to arise. The clatter of our everyday, busy, ‘ noisy ‘ lives can fall away allowing a peaceful, relaxing calm to surface and it is here, in this calming stillness that we can start to see the world anew, in a different light that can take us forward in a new direction. Never pass up an opportunity to ‘ take time out ‘ and simply relax around your life – you might be surprised by what can happen.
Don’t allow ‘ friends ‘ to drain your energy. We can often feel let down, disappointed, angry even with their lack of appropriate responses to us. This is understandable as we do expect a certain level of treatment but alas, this is not always forthcoming. Accept this, agree to reconcile yourself to its reality and move on.
Dwelling on ‘ friends ‘ behavior, unfortunately, gets us nowhere because we are powerless to change it. Let it pass and conserve your energy for more important issues, like, perhaps, finding new friends, decent and caring friends who appreciate and value your company and respond to you in the manner you wish to be treated.
One way traffic is not a relationship.
Try to cultivate patience in your life and reap rich rewards. Attentive periods of sitting and waiting are never wasted whereas restless pursuit of anxiety around the issue of constant activity can be draining both physically and mentally and hence unproductive.
Patience is a vital part of the spiritual life; in essence, it’s the ability to rest with a situation in order to understand how it should unfold without your contrived and artificial input – learning to sit until you are called to act. “ They also serve who stand and wait.” John Milton
The power of life is within us, around us ready to be used, ready to transform the world and us in the process. Never forget this.
Life sometimes gets the best of us; we can feel this at times as an undeniable reality that we all have to confront in life. Nevertheless, we still live with another reality, another possibility – one that tells us we can always turn things around for the better. Falling down, making mistakes in life is par for the course but that’s no reason why we should remain hung up about them.
We can all change our situation if we have a will to – it’s all in our attitude, the way we view our position. We can all draw on our hidden potential for transformation if we believe we can.
The real meaning of our lives is expressed within, and our truth seeking mission is to explore this inner core to find out who we are – our unique, authentic selves.
We often ponder on our actions at key points, whether we should go that extra mile to try and achieve ‘ success ‘ or abort because of fear of wasting too much time on what might be considered an ‘ unsuccessful ‘ venture? This dilemma of what to do in these situations can challenge us severely. But in truth there is a simple answer available to us: We don’t know.
We have to accept uncertainty, our unknowingness and do what we think is best. Often there are no blueprints we can look at, no roadmaps we can follow; each situation is unique so we just have to respond accordingly. Do what we can with your limited knowing that this is all that can be asked of you.
Live life wisely, Journey well and enjoy the fruits of your efforts.
Michael Lewin
Michael has served as a Trustee of the Buddhist Hospice Trust, been a Committee Member of the Lifestyle Movement, which is dedicated to simple, green living and was a Member of the Gandhi Foundation. A few years ago he spent two years living in community, in a Franciscan Friary, engaging his time with meditation, walking, yoga and deepening his writing practice He has spent the last twenty-five years teaching and supporting a variety of different groups ( eg, young offenders, young unemployed people, children at risk, children with special needs, adults with learning difficulties and adults with mental health needs ). For more about him visit
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