A wise spring cleaner begins with their soul!
As you settle into the new year and shake off the gloom of deepest midwinter, your mind has probably turned to fixing up your home, clearing out the accumulated junk of the past 12 months, and just simplify your life.
This is all well and good but applied to this one element of your life by itself, the principle will not hold up for long: by the end of the summer you’ll be surrounded by clutter once more, but probably having too much fun to deal with it.
Long-lasting results require a more holistic approach. If your work and social life continue to be as hectic as your overloaded closets, you’ll soon be dragged back into the chaotic lifestyle that creates that clutter in the first place.
So as soon as you’re done simplifying your home, try applying similar principles to the other parts of your life. You’ll soon find that it’s addictive, but in a positive way: you’re getting into good habits.
Go on a Relationship Diet
Bad relationships will break your heart: it’s official. Whether your connection with the emotional vampire in your life is romantic or purely platonic, the stress that you expend on dealing with those who demand too much of you can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even dementia.
Make two lists of people you spend the most time with in your life. The first list should be people who you instinctively feel are taking more than they’re giving — you know, the ones whose digits give you that sinking feeling when they show up on your cellphone. Divide this first list into two columns of pros and cons – and consider taking a three-month break from those whose cons outbalance their pros.
The second list is the people who make you feel warm. The ones you know you can depend on. If there’s anyone on that list you fear you’re neglecting, send him/her a simple message to ask how they are. Make that your priority, and don’t waste time with energy suckers.
Streamline Your Professional Life
The ‘overwhelmed employee’ is a bone file present-day issue. A shower of new technological solutions for old tasks has only increased our capacity to be given more work than ever to complete.
We also have more respect than ever in the workplace, and many of us have more options should things go awry. So it’s time to assert yourself and ensure that your boss appreciates you as a human being and not just a machine: if your workload is so heavy that you can’t do your best with each task you’re given, let them know. You owe it to yourself, and to your company, to get your priorities straight at work. Your honesty will be appreciated.
Spring-Clean Your Mind
Stress damages your heart compromises your blood chemicals, and can even impair your ability to form memories. The accumulated feelings you carry around with you from overwork, difficult relationships, and trials on the domestic front can cause irreversible damage to body and soul.
You’ll be better placed to maintain the good work you’ve accomplished in those other areas if you apply demonstrable techniques to the way you look after your mind. Go for a walk or meditate every day, to give your brain a chance to process all the new information and feelings. And try making a little positivity-audit each evening: make a list of three good things that you achieved or experienced that day.
Want more tips?
Have a read at the guide below, which offers 12 steps to simplify your life and start building the foundation for a newer, more productive, happier You.
12 Ways to Simplify Your Life
Marilyn Vinch
Marilyn is a freelance writer and a digital nomad currently based in London and born in NYC. She enjoys reading (and writing!) about topics connected to personal development, productivity, and work/life balance. For more about her you can visit www.marilynwriter.wordpress.com
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