Isn’t it amazing to see how the younger generation is becoming more aware of things that were usually “reserved” for the elders? I mean stuff like enjoying life as much as possible, doing things that have a positive impact, working on experiencing the beauty within, helping others through behaviours and actions fueled by good intentions, etc.
These days I feel like we are experiencing something big, something positive that is on a global scale and cannot be defined yet, something in which technology has already played a huge role and which will continue to grow as time passes by. For me it feels like seeing signs of this everywhere, and what I can say is that it feels great to be part of it because I know we are heading in a better direction.
Something else I have noticed which has been confirmed by one of the protagonists in the following footage is that people are more willing to cooperate than to compete these days, and as this spiritual phenomenon is expanding, we are all feeling more confident, more at peace, without fear of being judged, labeled or criticised.
And all this is only natural, we are probably experiencing the effects, I know I do, of more and more people concentrating on giving rather than receiving. We have arrived at this point probably due to the easiness with which information is shared these days, and as I said, as time will pass by, this global enlightenment process will continue to expand and contribute to a better environment for us all.
Something else which stands as proof that the younger generation is committed to spiritual and personal growth is the following video which announces Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday television show. In this episode, which will air this Sunday, November 18 at 11 a.m. ET/PT on OWN, Oprah will talk with the “new breed of spiritual thought leaders”, a breed which on this particular show will comprise from Gabrielle Bernstein , Mastin Kipp and Marie Forleo.
Take a peak at this upcoming episode and tell me what you think:
With all my love,
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Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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