Bitterness, just like lemons, has its taste which you can learn to like, seriously.
To enjoy this sourness and to help it detoxify your blood, you can add black pepper to it.
At other times, you are allowed to savor its delight by sprinkling it on other foods you have gotten. This will help your digestive system.
Now you have savored the bitterness; you are free to focus on other tastes of life which you prefer as presented by life.
5 Ways to Deal with Hardship in Life
The Long Answer:
The long answer to the question of taking advantage of this disliked fruit from life considers five essential steps:
1. Savor It
Hardship comes in our lives for a purpose. Like everything in life, hardship has a purpose: it helps us grow up. The more you befriend with it, the more it will nurture you. However, you need to know the right way to get acquainted with it.
2. Eat It
Life is going to make you eat your lemon at any cost to you. You will pay the lowest cost if you eat it willingly.
So, accept your hardship. Brace yourself to tackle it before you exaggerate it with your negative actions and delays.
3. Assist It
You may ask, ‘Assist it? But it is a hardship! Do you want me to kill myself to assist the hardship which wants to kill me?’
Not really.
All I want you to do is to realize that hardship is not your enemy. It is not going to kill you. It is not there to pull you down. In fact, it is your friend. It is a gift of life to strengthen you.
Every hardship is hiding in itself a lesson that you need to succeed in life. Learn what life wants to teach you. Seek help if you are struggling in learning. Take hardships as training lessons for your spirit and assist the process accordingly.
4. Detoxify yourself
You are losing hope. You are losing confidence. You are losing patience. You feel as if you are losing yourself.
Lose them all. By losing them, you are losing your past Self so that you can embrace the brightness, toughness, and lightness of your new Self.
At times of walking through utter dark periods of your life, you may feel the need to re-assess your perceptions. You may question your cognition; you may experiment with your skills. You may stretch your limits. All of this will threaten your previous understandings about life. But the cleansing of your belief system will ultimately lighten you up and free you from your mental blocks, only if embraced completely.
The result?
You will be ready to take your life some steps nearer to fulfillment and success.
5. Develop your digestive system
Every emotion has a taste. You will experience salty, sweet, bitter, spicy, hot, and many other tastes of emotions during your life.
The sourness of lemon is just one of these. Every taste has its qualities and every one of these assists the other by enabling us to enjoy uniqueness and individuality of all of them separately.
The hardships in your life prevent you from taking your happy moments for granted and compel you to pay required gratitude and enjoy these times as much as they deserve.
Now brace it all, free yourself and start focusing on other events of life.
Aruba Syeda
Syeda Aruba lives in a world that is not away from yours yet full of contentment and self-satisfaction. She believes that she can, and everyone in retrospect can produce happiness within themselves by knowing the right tools and making a commitment. She is committed to making the world a better place for all to live in. You can read her stories at her blog.
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