Empowered connection to a higher source that provides profound motivation, happiness, and fulfillment in day-to-day activities. Does this sound like the type of life you want to live?
A sense of purpose will fill you with an abundance of life energy, but when it comes to your work, to a job you don’t really enjoy doing, how do you find purpose in it?
Well, here are 4 ways to help you find purpose in a job you dislike and allow yourself to live a happier and more peaceful life.
Howto Find Purpose In a Job You Dislike
1. Don’t lose sight of your passions
Maintain interest in your passions outside of work, find the time to engage in activities where you feel a deep sense of pleasure, excitement or interest. Passions often start off as curiosities or a mild interest in a topic, acknowledge these, and make time to expand on them.
Invest money into these areas – purchase books on the topic, spend time researching, watch interviews, listen to audio books; give your curiosities a chance to grow.
Connecting to your passion will provide lasting fulfillment, it is the ultimate satisfaction, money is no longer a primary motivator in what you do and why you do it.
2. Make other people happy
Make an effort to interact with others, be fully present when listening and communicating, life is full of little moment that makes a big difference.
“The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention” – Richard Moss
Start by being the first to say hello, offer a smile, or compliment someone’s appearance – little actions such as these make a huge difference in the quality of that person’s day. You will notice a renewed sense of energy and satisfaction when you see the difference this makes on the mood of others.
3. Allow your purpose to find you
One of the main roadblocks stopping people from finding purpose is allowing negative thoughts to cloud their ability to experience happiness in the present moment. The great Wayne Dyer once said, “Miracles come in moments, we must be ready and willing”. When negative thoughts are allowed to consume your thinking you are not receptive to finding purpose.
If the work you do is not filling you with excitement or motivation, that’s ok, realize that this is how it is for now and accept it. If you can’t accept your current situation, take action to change it. The most important thing is not letting negative thoughts affect the quality of your actions, give your fullest attention to whatever task is at hand and purpose will begin to find its way into your life.
We all have infinite access to higher energies – purpose is found in the little moments which fill the day-to-day. Controlling your thoughts will determine the quality of your life; you become what you think about all day long, so…think about being receptive to finding purpose – and it will find you!
4. Ask better questions
Chose to engage in purposeful thinking, this starts from asking better questions. Why do you want to feel purposeful? Why is a sense of purpose considered one of the highest attributes to lasting happiness?
When you are aware enough to question your purpose, you have already begun undertaking your own spiritual journey, connecting to a higher self and accessing a reservoir of infinite energy and intelligence.
Stay purposeful!
Jordan Candlish
Jordan is a 23-year-old accountant who is passionate about mastering the art of fulfillment. He believes it begins with upgrading your health – physically and mentally – the mind and body should be cared for synonymously through optimal diet and exercises habits. When the foundations of health are set, true self-actualization is possible – ultimately.
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