On my way to Yoga today, I was listening to this radio show and the host was speaking about three different types of people that live in our world today… JUST THREE TYPES, really? I had to listen on to see what type of person I am. I thought it was only Type A and Type B. Well, my Type A personality just HAD to hear what this was all about…
Michael Bernard Beckwith, minister and author of several books that can also be seen in the Movie The Secret, hosts a really beautiful and inspiring radio show to help people transform themselves and their lives and during his show he talked about the three types of people that live in our world:
1. Task oriented people
These people go about their days performing daily tasks. Brushing their teeth, walking the dog, making their meals, filling up the car with gas, grocery shopping, going to their jobs and completing the assigned tasks, watching Tv and then off to bed. You know, the day to day errands. They get things done, and yes, they get to cross things off their to-do list, but, are they really happy? Beckwith claims 90% aren’t.
2. Goal oriented people
This person will complete several different tasks to obtain a goal. They feel they have a purpose as they are plugging away at their to-do list to achieve that goal but not much enthusiasm behind it. For example,a person who just goes into “that job”everyday just to get “that paycheck”. They are completing the daily tasks at their job but really when they leave for the day, are they fulfilled?
3. Purpose oriented people
These people are the dream weavers. They feel a deeper sense of purpose to give back to the world. They follow their hearts but are using their God-given talents. They LISTEN to their hearts, the inner wisdom that speaks to them to serve. They infuse inspiration into a room by their zest for life and passion for their life’s work. You’ve seen these people…They are the ones who greet you with a smile and are excited to live out their dreams. Like, your personal trainer who loves to talk biomechanics or nutrition. Then there are people who are not sorry that they LOVE to paint or make jewelry or fix watches. They know they have a talent,a gift, that can help another person’s life become easier and happier.
Everyone of us is called to this Earth to fill their life’s purpose. This purpose is unique to EACH & EVERYONE of us. All 7 BILLION OF US!!!!!!!!
I have been all three of these people.
I was a task person up until college, just plugging away at the day-to-day grind not really conscious of my thoughts, actions, and purpose.
When I got to college, I was forced to create a goal and become that goal oriented person. Well, declare a MAJOR if you will. I thought “Ok, I want to be a fashion designer, that’s it, I like clothes, I love to dress people so that’s it!” Well, after one sewing class, I dropped that major ASAP! Then I decided on Hotel, Restaurant Managament because it was fun, I’m a people person and I liked to plan parties and hosts events. Really? Hmmmmmph….. :/
Not until I became a Mom did I realize purpose. I found that I better shape up to show them that life is a treasure. I have done EXTENSIVE soul searching to find my life’s purpose. In college, I developed an eating disorder to distract myself from finding my life’s purpose and then the ED became my purpose. Hows that for nothing? But, really, I now believe it was how my life was supposed to play out…That I had to go through something so painful, so sad, so terrible to come out as strong as I feel right now.
Are you struggling with finding your life’s purpose, your calling? What type of person are you? What’s holding you back from taking that leap of faith? Are you stuck in goal oriented land where you keep achieving goals but not really feeling any fulfillment? Are you in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere? Are you hating Monday morning when you have to go back to “that job?”
Something to think about…
Think? Where you say?…ANYWHERE – Grab a journal, hit the Mat or the meditation pillow, talk it out with a trusted family member or friend, your therapist, or run the trails. Those are just a few places to start…
“Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is what dies inside while you’re still alive.”
Which category are you in? Share your insights by commenting bellow or by posting your lovely comment on the PurposeFairy Facebook Page.
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With all my love,
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Jensy Scarola
Jensy Scarola soon to be published author considers her to be a student of life, constantly learning and growing into the person she believes was meant to be. To discover more about Jensy visit her personal blog at www.jensyscarola.blogspot.com
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