Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for disaster. As you realize that you are a unique individual, with unique gifts and talents, you will no longer feel the need to inflict pain upon yourself by comparing yourself to others. ~Luminita D. Saviuc
Comparison is the death of joy
What keeps so many people from enjoying a happy, peaceful, and meaningful life, is this unhealthy need to compare themselves with other people.
Instead of focusing on themselves and the things they ought to be doing, they look to their left and to their right at what others are doing. Failing to realize that in doing so, not only will they cause themselves a lot of pain and suffering, but they will also slow themselves down in life.
7 Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Here are 7 ways to stop comparing yourself to others and start valuing yourself instead:
1. Stop comparing yourself to others by focusing on your path.
You are a unique individual with unique gifts and talents. You have your unique path to walk in life and your own purpose to fulfill.
What you can do, nobody else can.
And if that’s the case, you might as well start focusing on the things that can bring you joy and peace. And stop comparing yourself to others.
2. Accept that you are enough!

Every time you compare yourself with others you send a signal to your brain that who you are is not enough – good enough, smart enough, confident enough, successful enough, skinny enough, etc., and that everybody around you is better than you yourself are.
But that’s just a big fat lie!
You are worthy. You are whole. And you are enough! So please, let go of this unhealthy need to compare yourself to others. And start loving and valuing yourself for who you truly are.
3. Let go of the need to compete and stop comparing yourself to others.
I know this world tries very hard to trick us into thinking we are in competition with one another and that we have to do our best to run faster, do things much better, and achieve a lot more than our fellow human beings because if we don’t, we’ll fall behind and humanity will walk all over us.
But that’s just nonsense.
You are not here to compete with anyone! And you surely are not here to be better than anyone.
You are here to be better than yourself.
You are here to become better today than you were yesterday, and tomorrow, better than you are today. And as you start focusing on bettering yourself instead of constantly comparing yourself to others, you will discover that there is no need to compete with anyone.
4. Make the shift from scarcity to abundance.
Even though the majority of people have a scarcity mindset (at the way things are in the world, that’s no surprise), the truth of the matter is that we live in an abundant universe and that there is enough for everyone.
There’s nothing to fear.
What’s yours is yours. What’s theirs is theirs. And if you stay focused on your path, your vision, and the things you came here to do, you will create so much happiness, joy, and abundance, that you will not what to do with it.
5. Stop comparing yourself to others and stay away from that which weakens you.
I know it can be quite challenging at times not to compare yourself to others, especially when with this whole social media madness. But if you feel that there are certain things, people and situations that weaken you, causing you to fall into this pattern of comparison and competition, it is best to distance yourself for a while from those things and surround yourself with that which gives you power, strength, wisdom, and confidence.
6. Learn to value yourself.
You want the world to see, love, value and to appreciate you. But you have to understand that this is a sure way to inflict a lot of pain onto yourself. And you know why? Because the world might never see you for who you truly are. And if you don’t learn to love and value yourself, you might live your entire thinking you’re unworthy.
Which isn’t true at all.

Learn to value yourself – what you do, and who you are. And know that you aren’t here to impress, or get anyone’s approval. You are here to Be Yourself.
7. Embrace the ‘I am enough’ mantra.
Each morning when you wake up, and right before you go to sleep, I want you to repeat yourself these words to yourself. But I want you to feel them, and to let their power to infuse every cell of your body with Light, Love, and Truth. Because they will!
Place your hands over your heart, take a deep cleansing breath, and repeat these words to yourself:
In this moment I am enough,
I know enough.
I have enough.
I am perfect just the way I am.
Because the truth of the matter is that you are enough! And the time has come for you to stop comparing yourself to others and start being the wonderful, creative, genius, and unlimited being you were created to be.!
What about you? Do you tend to compare yourself to others? If so, what is the one thing you can start doing today to stop comparing yourself to others? You can share your comment in the comment section below 🙂
~Love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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