What if today was your last day on Earth? What if this day was all you had left and tomorrow never came? Would you still take life for granted? Would you still think this moment is not good enough for you?
This moment is your treasure
“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” ~ Leo Tolstoy
We go around living each day as if what’s in front of us is never good enough for us.
We look for things to fill the gigantic holes we feel in our hearts, people to make us feel whole and complete, experiences to bring us back to life, and places to give us a sense of belongingness.
We use the sacredness of the present moment to find something that’s always out there in the future. And because we are so absorbed with this ideal image of how our life should look like, we fail to realize that This moment is all we have.
There’s nothing better than this moment. Nothing better than what’s Now present in front of you.
You are already whole
“Do not look for rest in any pleasure, because you were not created for pleasure: you were created for spiritual joy. And if you do not know the difference between pleasure and spiritual joy you have not yet begun to live.” ~ Thomas Merton
I know you think you need to seek to have more, do more, and become more in order for you to arrive at this magical place where life is perfect and all your fears, loneliness, insecurities, and feeling of unworthiness finally dissolve. But no matter how much more you will do and no matter how much more you will accumulate, you will never become more than what you already are.
“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” ~ Maya Angelou
What If Today Was Your Last Day on Earth?
There’s nothing about you lacking. Nothing about you that needs changing. And nothing about you that needs adjusting.
You are all that you seek for.
You are already whole.
You are already all that you seek for.
No more striving
“Don’t you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you’re not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you’ve lived nearly half the time you have to live already?” ~ Ernest Hemingway
There is nothing outside of you. Nothing you can find somewhere out there in a distant future that can fulfill you. But there is a great deal to be found within you. A great deal to be discovered within this sacred and precious moment.
Don’t let your mind make a fool out of you.
Honor your environment.
Honor your self.
Honor this moment.
Honor your life.
Acknowledge the beauty and perfection of this sacred moment. And know that this moment is your treasure.
This moment is your life!
~Love, Luminita💫
What about you? If today was your last day on Earth, would you do things differently? Would you pay more attention to what’s in front of you? You can share your comment below 🙂
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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