Settling for way less than you deserve is a trap in which we can all fall. It’s normal. But what isn’t normal is to continue to live our lives from that dreadful and unhappy place.
This list is not intended to scare you in any way nor is it meant to make you panic but rather to bring awareness to your life and make you see which areas of your life are in need of change.
15 Signs You Are Settling for Less than You Deserve
1. You have lost confidence
If you have lost confidence in your ability to live in alignment with your purpose and your inner sparkle is now gone, that is a clear sign you are settling for less than you deserve.
2. Money control your life
If the decisions you make, or don’t make are controlled by money – how little you have, how much it will cost, how hard it will be to make more once you spend it etc., then you are surely settling for way less than you deserve.
3. You work doesn’t excite you
If your work doesn’t bring you any joy and your paycheck is the only thing that excites you, then that is another clear sign you are settling.
4. Facts are more important than your faith
If facts, and what’s in front of you are always more important than your faith in yourself and your dreams, then you are settling.
5. Other people’s opinions are more important than your own
If the decisions you make, or don’t make are influenced by other people’s thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and expectations, then you are most definitely asking for way less than you deserve.
6. You are not excited to get up in the morning
If you’re not happy to get up in the morning and you have to drag yourself out of bed to start a new day, then you are settling.
7. You have lowered your standards
If you have lowered your standards just so you could fit certain people in your life – a romantic partner, a friend, co-worker, family member – that is a clear sign you are settling.
8. You waste time on the wrong people
If you don’t feel happy, vibrant, and alive around those you spend most of your time with, but rather drain you of your vital life force energy, that is a clear sign you are in need of a healthy change.
9. You don’t know how to have fun anymore
If laughter is no longer part of your life and fun seems like a foreign concept to you, you are settling.
10. You only see the dark side of things
If you can no longer see the beauty in things and darkness seems to be everywhere you look, you are settling.
11. You feel all alone
If you feel like you’re all alone in this world and nobody is there for you – to love, help, and support you, you are settling.
12. You live life on autopilot
If you’re mindlessly going through the motions and living each day on autopilot, you are settling.
13. You are rigid and stiff
If you think you know everything about everything and that nobody can teach you anything new, you are settling.
14. You’ve stopped caring
If you’ve stopped caring about yourself – about what you put into your body, how you look and feel, the people you surround yourself with, ., and the way things are, you are settling
15. You have lost touch with your Self
If you have little or no connection with your own Heart and Soul and your rational mind is the only one in charge of your life, you ar most definitely in need of a good change.
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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