“Learn to treat people, not as bad as they are, but as good as you are. And in doing so you might become the first person in their lives who treated them with the love, dignity and respect each human being deserves to be treated.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Treat People as Good as You Are
In a world of duality, where there is a right for every wrong, and a good for every bad, I want you to consider this idea that it really does not matter what other people say and do – how cruel, evil and nasty they may be. All that matters is what you yourself, say and do with whatever life sends your way.
That’s all that truly matters.
And today I will share with you a list of things that are meant to inspire and empower you to realize these things so that you can start to treat people, not as bad as they are, but as good as you are.
How to Treat People as Good as You Are, Not as Bad as They Are
1. Treat people with love.
As the Swiss psychiatrist said it so beautifully,
“What you resist, not only does it persist, but it also grows in size.” ~ Carl G. Jung
To fight what you dislike in another is to only make things worse. For what you resist, not only does it persist, but it also grows in size.
Don’t fight them. Don’t resist them. Just offer them your love – in whatever form and shape possible – and trust this Loving Intelligence that gives life to all of life to take care of the rest. Trust life to guide their steps out of darkness and back into the light.

2. Treat people with dignity and respect.
Be an example for others. Treat everyone with the dignity and respect each human being deserves to be treated, even if they might behave nothing like a human being is meant to behave. Since you know better, you can do better.
3. Never go down at their level
There are people who will try very hard to pull you down to their level and have you dwell in the same misery they are in. As tempting it may be, you should never accept their ‘invitation’. Never go down to their level, for that is a very dangerous place to be in. If possible, lift them up to a higher level.

4. Treat people with kindness.
Be kind to these people without expecting kindness in return. Through your kind words, actions and behaviors let them remember what it truly feels to be seen, to be loved and to be human.
5. Acknowledge their pain. But don’t get lost in it.
We pass by one another every single day, and we no longer see each other. We no longer see each other as human beings who are worthy and deserving of each other’s presence, attention, love, and affection.
This has created a deep wound in all of us.
And while some of us are better at dealing and at healing this wound, there are people in this world who are in terrible pain. There are people who don’t know how to handle the excruciating pain and loneliness that comes from feeling unworthy and never enough. And the person sitting in front of you, might be one of those people…
6. Show genuine interest in them.
Be fully present. Show these people that you truly care. Ask questions. Become genuinely interested in what’s going on in their troubled minds and tormented hearts. And where possible, help them realize that the enemy was never out there, but rather within themselves.
7. Hold your tongue
If the ‘bad people’ in your life are not in a place where they can hear what you have to say, it is crucial that you hold your tongue and gracefully walk away.
8. Offer them a silent blessing.
And just let them be. It’s not your job to ‘fix’, judge or ‘save them. Your only job is to love them – even if that means walking away.
Keep in mind that the majority of people have no idea the harm they are doing – to themselves and the whole world – by behaving the way they do. They honestly don’t know. They are in the dark. But you know better. And you can do better by treating people better than they know to treat themselves and others. If possible, offer them a silent blessing and let them be.

9. Silently thank them for the lesson
In the Tao Te Ching, there is a great line that goes like this:
“What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? What is a bad man but a good man’s job? If you don’t understand this, you will get lost, however intelligent you are. It is the great secret.” ~ Lao Tzu

The truth of the matter is that we live in a world of duality, a world where, in order for the good to exist the bad has to be present also. And even though we might not realize this now, we all need each other to continue our journeys. For what is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? And what is a bad man but a good man’s job? If you don’t understand this, you will get lost, however intelligent you are. It is the great secret.
10. Forgive them.

Life is a great lesson in forgiveness. The more you forgive, the more you can love. The more you can love, the better life gets and the easier it will be for you to treat people, not as bad as they are, but as good as you are.
Forgive them all and be at peace…
And these are the 10 simple ways to treat people with loving kindness, not as bad as they are, but as good as you are.
**What about you? Do you treat people as bad as they are, or as good as you are? Share below 🙂
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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