What are the most powerful lessons anyone could learn?
Before thinking about an answer, allow me to talk to you about an author truly dear to my heart: Paulo Coelho.
Paulo Coelho, a world-renowned author wrote The Alchemist in 1987. This captivating novel has sold over 35 million copies and has been translated into several languages. The Alchemist is a novel that speaks for itself, page after page you are mesmerized and inspired through each chapter and begin to reflect on your life.
If there was an author I would want to meet it in this lifetime, it would be Paulo Coelho. The author touches on aspects of spirituality, metaphysics and pursing ones who personal legend – all aspects that connect to the soul.
I’m truly a seeker and will always be intrigued by serendipitous signs, omens and more. I delve into books, Ted-Talks, and Podcasts and anything that makes my soul awaken. In my early 20’s is when I first read The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho and it transformed my life and has resonated with spirit for years. It illustrated the values and ideologies I have practiced my entire adult life.
The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams. –Oprah Winfrey
I recommend The Alchemist to anyone who is on the spiritual path or open to it. It was the cornerstone to uncovering layers of who I am and what I believe.
The Alchemist
The main character Santiago is from Andalusia Spain. A Shepherds son who lives a comfortable life with his parents, however, begins to question his existence. At the beginning of the novel Santiago while sleeping under a sycamore tree has a recurring dream that he needs to travel to Egypt to find his treasure. He can not shake this prophecy and feels inclined to pursue this path.
Dreams hold particular messages if we are open to receive them.
The protagonist is tested with challenges that encouraged him to pursue his own path “personal legend” to understand his soul. He was an Alchemist all along, and obstacles were placed in his life as to keep him faithful. This was all done for a divine reason, to uncover parts of himself in order to evolve. Omens, signs, and people were sent along his journey,
I believe many of us can relate to Santiago when we are trying to figure out which direction to pursue.
Follow and listen to your heart always.
My own story, during the latter part of 2017 I stumbled upon an interview with Oprah and Paulo Coelho. It was called Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations. She has interviewed many new age authors such as Micheal Beckwith, Gary Zukav and Caroline Myss all incredible authors who offer spiritual insight in today’s world.
This was a sign I felt, to reacquaint myself with The Alchemist. Messages come into your life at particular times and this was one of them.
Paulo Coelho was born in Brazil to devout Catholic parents. During the conversations with Oprah, the author illustrates that was an artist at an early age and knew he wanted to be a writer. His parents did not favor his chosen path and begged him to follow an alternative career. His own parents even insisted he go into a facility for his mental health! They were so afraid he was going against the grain and not following the life they intended for him.
He later attended law school and dropped out to travel the world. On a chance encounter with an individual in Amsterdam, he received a message to travel to Spain and walk the holy pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela. Here is where he received the intuitive messages to become a writer. I felt so inspired when listening to Oprah’s Soul Conversations that I had to write about this.
5 Powerful Lessons to Learn from The Alchemist
The author offered such insight to life and I feel that I was meant to share is wisdom! Here are five powerful lessons that may help you live your authentic life.
1. “There is only one way to learn. It’s through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey”
The first of these 5 powerful lessons is that you may get off track in life, however, you will always be drawn and guided to the right course. Every person, experience or obstacle you encounter is for your highest growth and healing. You may feel life is shattering underneath you, this is when you are being reborn. That’s where the most powerful lessons are hidden.

2. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Know what you want, the universe will conspire to make it happen –TRUST! Do not let anyone sway your decisions. You have all the answers within, the universe wants to help you.
3. “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. You’ve got to find the treasure so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense .”
Another of the 5 powerful lessons to learn from The Alchemist is that the universe will always direct you to your path, follow your heart it will never lead you astray. Your heart center is sacred, within lies all the wisdom you are seeking. Your heart holds all treasure, meditate, pray, seek silence – it is how you find your answers.
4. “There was a language in the world that everyone understood, a language the boy had used throughout the time that he was trying to improve things at the shop. It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired.”
The language of the divine is the language of the world. Be present and still to what you need to hear. You do not have to go find your purpose, your divine purpose is your birthright and etched into your being. It’s waiting to be heard, please believe.
5. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”
Dreams are when you reconnect the symbols and signs. Never stop dreaming, visualizing everything you desire. It’s a request that you are transmuting to the universe. YOUR dreams will happen, stay focused on all the blessings each day of your life.
After all the powerful lessons and experiences Santiago faces he eventually makes it to Egypt. However, there is no treasure. As he goes back home to the sycamore tree where he had the recurring dreams – his treasure is found. The author and main character Santiago understand that love is the cornerstone to spiritual awakening.
You will encounter signs along your journey that will direct you towards what is meant for you – please pursue them. It could be a dream, epiphanies or your intuition steering the ship of your life. You must tune in and allow your spirit to carry you.

Paulo Coelho never abandoned his dream – it was within him all along.
What is your dream?
Work towards it on your own terms. Don’t be hard on yourself and know it will happen. For myself writing is a form of freedom and expression.
I have often questioned whether I will write a book or an editorial one day. All I know is that writing connects me to my heart. Hearing Paulo Coelho’s life story again ascertained that we all have a calling and it’s our mission to honor it in this lifetime.
Have no regrets, be brave, make a decision and know it’s all working out for you!
“But he was able to understand one thing: making a decision was only the beginning of things. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.”~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Nicky Sehra
A graduate of History & Corporate Communications and Public Relations in London, Ontario Canada, Nicky is a modern day spiritual woman who enjoys the simple pleasures of life and being in the company of her family and friends! She loves to teach yoga, travel and to inspire and empower humanity through her writings. Her aim is to leave everyone she meets with a sparkle of kindness, peace and love!
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