Many times I have wished that life would’ve been better and if I had more money or a different job or better body, then I can do certain things easily. And I think, you also have imagined such things in your mind too.
Many people like to blame others for their problems and failures. Only a few of them accept the reason that it is happened due to the potential of which we are living, and the efforts we have made are not up to the potentials.
Are You Living Up to Your Full Potential?
Living up to your full potential is not doing everything seamlessly whatever you have on your to-do list within the budget and in time. No one on the earth is born to do that. You should be kind to things, and this is what we can say is your potential.
It’s like to catapult a corporate ladder if you are getting very high scoring marks in the schools. If you got the social skills, then engage with the society and do whatever it takes to live up to your potential. Your school will not teach you such things or sometimes cannot even recognize your skills.
8 Proven Ways to Live Up to Your Full Potential
If you think that you are living below your full potential, then you can do certain things like below:
1. The world is not a race, and you are not here to compete
Most of the people think that everyone is born with the ability to achieve personal best. If you stop to race, you will cease to think about the innate abilities you have. The saying like ‘Living up to the full potential’ is always about something.
Soon after you start thinking that the world is not a competition, you will stop to wonder why you are not coming to the top place.
2. Recognize that it is the misconception
You should be just you and love yourself as you are. Be optimistic, be engaged and be kind. But most of the people think that they are not living up to their potential and forget about this necessary but essential thing in life. Set realistic and meaningful life goals and believe in yourself.
3. Sound like your mother does
Many times you have heard from your mother that, “James, you are a genius, then why you are not getting the ‘A’ straight?” This is the perfect way to motivate yourself and when your mother says this; you start thinking that you can achieve higher grades and you are not living up to your full potential. You start believing in yourself more and thinking about things more positively.
One motivational talk suddenly changes your way of living and thinking. On the other hand, if some straight away tell you that, ‘you are not living up to your full potential,’ then most of the time your answer, “so what?” Though the intention behind asking you such things is to let you contribute more in the world, it does not make the right impact on you. So, the behavior matters.
4. Accept the things that you need to work on
It is essential to realize that no human is perfect and everyone has flaws. These flaws are the reasons why everybody is unique in their way. One needs to understand the areas in their life where they are facing failures now and then. It is very common to fail at something, and it is okay to take time and succeed at it.
That being said you should not beat yourself up for not excelling in specific areas. Appreciate yourself for what you are good at and at the same time work for what needs a little effort to get the desired output.
5. Learn the art of letting go
It is often seen that people live with a baggage of all sorts. Emotional baggage disturbs us. Not only it is difficult to focus on work; it also harms our mental health. It is vital to realize that certain things in life don’t work according to our needs. Some people might make you for a temporary phase or a job that made you happy for a month. But when something or someone is no longer involved in your personal growth and happiness, let it go. Letting things go helps in making space for new and better things in your life.
6. Devote some time to yourself
We live a very monotonous life which starts feeling very mundane to us. Be it a job or entrepreneurship everyone needs to take a break once in a while. We often forget that our mind and body need some rest. It is imperative to have some “Me” time where you relax, read a book or even take a short trip. Taking out time for yourself will not only help you in calming down it will also help in getting new ideas about how to plan your schedules further. Make sure you spend time pursuing your hobbies or anything that makes you feel content and happy.
7. Keep track of your goals and timelines
When you are in your mid-twenties and thirties, it is essential to set goals for yourself. Setting goals helps you in getting the determination of accomplishing it. Start writing goals yearly and then for three years and five years. Writing it down and tracking the progress of your goals also helps you to stay focused throughout. However, if you see something is not working accordingly, you can strategize it so that you get its maximum capacity.
8. Step out of your Comfort zone
It is effortless to do things that are in our comfort zone. But one should also realize that
Not everything in their comfort zone will help in achieving success. You shouldn’t be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. Be it a new job or place, try and explore as much as you can. It might be tough initially to adjust according to the new surroundings, but once you get the knack of it, everything will be fine gradually. Never be afraid to experiment and step out of your zone to experience what life has to offer you.
The changes cannot be made overnight. So, take baby steps and make some small changes first to bring improvements in your life. Aim for doing it right, not for making it perfect.
Niki Thomas
Although he is a Tech Geek, everyone needs motivation in his own life. Niki is a tech blogger and used to write blogs on new technologies that launch in the market. Check out his blog.
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