Life is and always be a journey, and along the way, you will gain invaluable wisdom as long as you\re willing to open your eyes, mind, and heart.
Are you up for it?
So here I am, writing in my journal with a ruby stone held gently in my hand, marking the day I turned 60 years young. I jotted down in big and bold letters that I AM QUEEN FOR TODAY! It isn’t any egotistical trip by any stretch; more of a life of survival, of manifestation, of awareness, of gratitude.
I have about twelve sticky notes that adorn my desk and stare me in the face each time I sit to write. Each note on the brightly-colored yellow paper are reminders of mantras, to-do lists, little reminders of who I am, how far I’ve come, and where I hope to land with grace.
The Wisdom Gained in Life
Entering a new decade isn’t for the faint of heart, yet it’s definitely for the kid at heart, and that would be me. As a woman who has been twice married and divorced, lost two family members to suicide, moved around like a nomad in search of contentment and curiosity, and overcame every obstacle along my path,
I’d venture to say this poetic dance is all too magnificent. Living with a heart that feels everything and then some is the epitome of achievement, and you want to know why? It never started out this way. I was a repressed young child, stuffing my emotions so far down into my body that I’m amazed I never became seriously ill.
Granted, I had my fair share of childhood health setbacks. I suffered a bout of hepatitis and mononucleosis in my junior year of high school, which took me out of commission for a month as I became desolate in my room, unable to attend prom or go on my class ski trip, or see my new boyfriend.
Even though I likened those diseases to someone who partied too hard and was seriously rebellious in all my actions, it was a repressed attitude towards life and my heart that took a toll on my health.
Funny, how things change when we grow up and take stock of our lives. I’ve always been somewhat of a late bloomer, a woman who doesn’t look my age, a woman who is independent and capable, a woman who has adventured and landed in some pristine locations by default, a woman who reveres in doing life my own way, a woman who doesn’t have much of a conventional bone in her body.
However, the art of wisdom is deep-rooted in my soul. It became this way because I never gave up. My resilience to life and challenges only created a stronger core.
Then there’s humility.
How to navigate when expectations don’t live up to what I imagined is a trait I implored throughout the years, especially in my 40’s and early 50’s.
The Invaluable Wisdom Gained In 60 Years of Life
I learned that no matter the outcome, I have to be okay with putting my tail between my legs if a result was less than desired. I had to take deep breaths, shore up my gut instincts, and carry on. If I wanted to throw in a smile when deep down I was screaming with hurt or anger, then so be it. I became a goddess at sweeping life under the carpet.
Once I embraced a solid regimen of meditation, yoga, exciting bodily movements and play in the outdoors with my rescue dog, I began to change. I went straight to my heart and asked it questions every single day, and eventually, the answers would be to follow whatever my heart needed and what inspired my next steps.
My dog is incredibly intelligent. In fact, he has his own book published, his own website, and he’s my muse in all things creative. If it weren’t for Scout, I’d be continuing to search for outlets that aren’t necessarily on my best path forward. I embrace the flow of life now. I am divinely guided.
I see others as love. I now love and approve of myself. Is Scout partly responsible for my newfound outlook on turning 60 years young? Absolutely, he is.
I received a simple text message from my oldest brother this morning, the same brother who had to assume the role of being our father once my real dad took his own life. “Hey, happy birthday, you. Spend the day with someone you care about.” These were his words when I first woke up and began to make a pot of tea. I cried while reading the text.
Yes, I’m 60 years of age and I cried in my kitchen like a little girl. It felt wonderful.
A flood of kind wishes began pouring in on social media. The phone started to ring. Close friends were recognizing the milestone that is my 60th birthday. My entire body became relaxed and happy.
Had I gotten to a place where I am love?
That’s the million-dollar question.
I draped a fleece robe over my rested body, stood in the open doorway to see the crescent moon smile still lingering in the sky from her evening presence, looked over my shoulder and noticed my pup comfortably coiled in his bed, turned on some classical music, stretched and breathed, and held the tumbled ruby stone in my hand.
I have made it to another decade in life. I now love and approve of myself. I gratefully receive alongside the service I offer towards humanity. The truth of my heart is on full display.
60 and fabulous, there are hundreds of stories that got me here.
Thank you, God!
Gerry Ellen
Gerry is a freelance creative writer, an author of four books, a nature buff, an adventurer, and a wellness entrepreneur with my beloved pup, Scout. You can find her portfolio here: gerryellenavery.com and her website is EightPawsWellness
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