The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters. ~Audrey Hepburn
You want to know the secret, right? You clicked on this article because you’re itching to know what this underground, hush-hush truth to living a brilliant and fulfilling life is, don’t you?
You may initially be disappointed to know that it is not money, good looks, fame and fortune or bending over backwards in philanthropic or selfless pursuit.
The Secret to Excellent Living
Now, although there is no judgment in having any of these features in your life, there is but one simple attribute you can muster up in this very moment that will bring you into alignment. The many masters that walked the earth, did so with peace and content in their hearts because they knew this secret.
Something that is so ridiculously obvious to some but not so apparent to others. ‘Oh what is it!’ I hear you cry. You’re just going to have to bear with me a little longer. Something as fruitfully juicy as what I am about to reveal, deserves a big build up!
The Here and Now
Here we are incarnated on a planet called Earth. Humanity in its apparent prime — a species so trumped up with itself that in our pursuit to strive for greatness we miss a fundamental principle to life and existence. A principle so far out for some that it is overlooked and brushed off as bohemian nonsense — the right to life and a reverence for existence.
The what to who and the who to what?
Imagine a world where everyone had the exact same amount of love and respect for EVERY life form as they do for their own self (assuming that you have mastered the ability of self-love, that is). But, ah, here bares the rub!
Self-Love or Bust!
Respect yourself and other will respect you. ~Confucius
When you attain that love for self that I’m speaking of, you usually automatically begin to love and respect others as well as every other form of life you encounter. I am even including what is deemed inanimate objects here. Everything on this planet has a presence, from the rocks, plants and animals to the soil, worms and the very core of the earth itself.
If you cannot see or feel this to be true, this article will not resonate with you. If you feel just one iota of truth in this, please read on.
The Secret Revealed
Love is what binds us, respect is what unites us. To have love and respect for all life forms guarantees you an excellent quality of life because you will be walking around in sheer reverence to all you come across. There will never be a dull or uninspired moment. Why?
Because when you bump into even a stranger, you will see God in his/her eyes. You will look upon a flower and see the cosmos within the fold of its petals. You will sit up against a tree and feel its life energy resounding through your core and you will sit upon the earth and feel her heart-beat pumping out the rhythm of all life.
Hippy Thinking or Revolutionary Insight?
Some of you may be thinking that I’m some deranged and dangerous hippy, you know, one of those people that doesn’t even want to eat a vegetable because they feel they are killing the plant.
No, not at all. What I am suggesting is that no matter what you do, do it with love and respect. If you want to eat an animal, consume it with love and gratitude in your heart for its life and sacrifice. When you press a ripe and bursting strawberry to your lips, give your utmost attention to its life force and presence (the sunlight that made it grow, the water that gave it its succulence, the earth that housed it). You see nothing ever truly ‘dies’, it is transmuted.
Whether You or the Animal is Lunch
The animal becomes a part of your biology as does the strawberry. You become part of the earth again when it is your time to move on (or in the unusual circumstance that you decide to go on a rather unsuccessful safari, you may become a lion’s appetizer and therefore be at one with the lion and eventually come out as the fertilizer for the earth). Life really has got a sense of continuity (and humor), no matter which way you perceive it!
Find that humor in life, find the peculiarity of oneness with life and find the love for being a part of this unique system — life. See yourself in everything and everything will reflect the wholeness of your being. Feel the life force in everything and shift into unity consciousness. Do this and you will step into love and bliss.
Are you ready to start living a brand new and excellent life? Share your insights by commenting bellow or by posting your lovely comment on the PurposeFairy Facebook Page. And if you’ve enjoyed reading this post, feel free to share it with your loved ones.
Cherie Roe Dirksen
Cherie is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician living in the Klein Karoo, South Africa. She has weekly blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.comwhere she discusses practical and insightful perspectives on taking responsibility for your life and following your bliss.You can follow her on Facebook, on Pinterest, on LinkedIn and on YouTube.
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