Have you ever wondered what is your life purpose? Well, I have.
Laying on my death bed, I knew I needed to find a reason for living.
I’d spent most of my life trying to make other people happy, going with the flow, and not causing a scene.
Not being true to myself resulted in anxiety, depression, stress, and overwhelm. Years of pushing through the pain eventually crippled me.
What Is Your Life Purpose?
If I wanted my life to change, then I needed to make some changes. I turned my life around by finding my purpose.
3 Important Steps to Pursuing Your Life Purpose
Here are three important steps to finding and fulfilling your purpose in life.
1. Listen to Your Soul’s Calling.
Symptoms are warning signs that you’re on the wrong track. Anxiety, depression, and chronic pain were my body’s way of telling me I wasn’t living my life’s purpose.
To get back on track, I spent several weeks doing nothing. I said no to everything that wasn’t serving me. I only did what felt good and was in complete alignment with my soul’s desires. I slowed down, rested more, and worried less.
In the stillness, my soul spoke to me: “Become the best version of yourself to help others become the best version of themselves.”
If you’re feeling lost, take some time to tune into yourself. Meditate, pray, or do yoga – whatever feels therapeutic to you. Make a note of any downloads you receive during this quiet time.
Finally, my life had purpose and meaning. When I’d been too busy to listen to my soul, my heart was now open. I knew I needed to shine my light and help people.
That’s your soul speaking to you.
2. Take Inspired, Aligned Action Towards Your Life Purpose
My aligned action was cutting clients that weren’t an ideal fit for me. I’d become so consumed by fear of missing out on money, that I was taking any freelance job I could get. As a result, I was spreading myself thin and wearing myself out.
It’s not enough to know what your life’s purpose is, you need to do something about it. To fulfill your life’s purpose, you need to pursue your life’s purpose every single day. Take inspired action towards your soul’s mission.
By letting go of situations that were no longer serving me, I was able to free up more of my time and energy to devote to my personal growth and development. This self-improvement empowered me to start my own spiritual coaching business, which is in line with my soul’s purpose and has been an enormous success.
If you’re feeling stuck or aren’t sure what to do next, ask yourself, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?
The answer to this question will reveal what your soul is calling you to do next.
3. Stop Caring About What Other People Think.
Few (if any) people will understand your mission in life. That’s because they don’t have the same vision that you do. Don’t let the opinions of others hold you back from pursuing your purpose in life.
In my own life, I had a husband who didn’t believe in what I was doing, a mom who didn’t understand it, and hundreds if not thousands of other naysayers disagreeing with me.
If I’d listened to all of that negativity, I would be in the ground by now.
Instead, I believed in myself so fiercely that I didn’t care what anyone else thought about me or what I did.
Did it hurt?
Yes, it hurt when other people said negative things about my dreams and goals. However, nothing hurts as bad as the pain of not pursuing my purpose in life.
If you’re afraid of what other people may say or think about you, remember that you can’t pay your bills with other people’s opinions. You have to do what’s best for you, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Listening to your soul and following your heart is the only way you’ll be happy.
Nicole Starbuck
Nicole is a spiritual business coach helping entrepreneurs around the world transform their passions into profits. She loves helping people connect with their soul's purpose and make a significant impact. Connect with her on Instagram and receive access to her personal growth and spiritual development tools on her website.
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