Self Love: How to Start Your Own Healing Journey

Self love is a big part of our healing journey. We repair our hearts by learning to love ourselves the way we wished we were loved growing up. This is a process and requires patience, self-compassion and practice.

Healing is a lifetime journey.

Yet, there are periods in our lives when we go through an intense process of releasing and healing. This can also make us feel vulnerable. Healing involves getting out of our comfort zone, which can create fear in us. Self-love is going to be your best friend during times of healing and transition.

24 Tools to Start Your Own Healing Journey Through Self Love

I want to share some tools that can help you love yourself more and keep your vibrational field strong against negativity. If you protect the seed that is trying to sprout within you, you will heal faster.

1. Visualize Your Ideal Life.

Imagining every detail of your ideal life is the first step you take on your journey through self love. Where you live, how you wake up, who you talk to, what you eat and so on. Help your subconscious to prepare you for all of it. Our imagination works like a theatre stage where we rehearse the future which we desire to live in.  

2. Focus On Your Healing.

Believe that you can heal and that you deserve to heal. We weaken our energy flow when we put energy into what others are saying, thinking or doing. We can’t change others but if we put our energy into our own healing, either they will fall away or they will rise with us.

3. Exercise to Keep Your Body and Mind Strong.

Exercise raises our vibration and teaches us self-discipline- which is a foundational self love practice. It also gives us the opportunity to practice mindfulness naturally because we can only focus on one thing at a time. Our mind will either be the yoga pose we are in or on our coworker’s negative comments. Keeping our body active makes that choice easier.

4. Set the Intention to Only Allow Positivity in Daily.

For anything to enter our energy field, we need to be allowing it on some level. Fear makes this even more possible. State your intention to only allow positive people and messages into your life. Be protective of your energy while you are in a vulnerable place.

24 Tools to Start Your Own Healing Journey Through Self Love

5. Stay Connected to Your Spirituality Through Prayer and Meditation.

This will help keep you centered. You will be less vulnerable to outside energies and this is another step you take on your self love journey.

6. Inspire Others to Be Their Best Selves

Inspire others to be their best selves and you will also feel inspired by the energy you give out. Supporting them will help you give permission to yourself to be even greater. Encouraging their uniqueness will help you embrace your own.

7. Interrupt Negativity.

Make it a practice to distract your mind when it gets on a negative loop. Choose the next positive thought that you can (and keep doing it) to break the loop. Distract yourself with a positive activity (even going for a short walk) to help the process. 

8. Make Time For Relaxation.

Stress acts like a fan blowing against our desires and makes manifesting more difficult. Relax your mind and body before you take on creative projects. Taking baths, getting massages, taking a leisurely stroll by the beach or sitting in the sun at a park can quickly recharge your energy.

9. Music is Medicine.

Listen to high-vibe music to uplift your mood and living & workspace. You can use music to create the mood you wish to be in- whether it is calm and relaxed or energized and playful. 

10. Give Yourself Compliments.

Use ‘I Am’ statements that you would want to hear. This will uplift your mood immensely and build your self-esteem. Talk to yourself lovingly throughout the day. Catch yourself doing positive things and celebrate your small successes.

11. Explore Different Parts of Yourself Towards Wholeness.

Dressing outside of your usual style can bring those aspects of you out. It will help you be more at ease with yourself and increase your confidence, which is an incredible attractor by itself. Allowing the expression of different aspects of us raises our energy because it makes us more authentic.

12. Keep The Promises You Make to Yourself.

Start with the simplest things to build energy before you make a big commitment (such as, “I will work out 5 hours week”). This will increase your confidence and make your affirmations work better because it strengthens the Throat Chakra- which is a major power center for us!

13. Be Around Fire.

If a campfire is not an option, light candles and call in protective energies that you feel connected to. Fire has a very primal effect on our nervous system (ancestral memory) and can bring ease to our emotions.

14. Practice Gratitude.

24 Tools to Start Your Own Healing Journey Through Self Love

Affirm the good you have in your life. It will bring more of it to you and allow you to enjoy what you already have. We really miss this piece.

15. Dance!

The combination of dance (movement) and music have been used as a healing salve throughout history. This combo raises our energy (Chi), thus making us stronger against lower energies.

16. Get Creative With Your Hands.

Cooking new recipes, gardening, crafts, origami, a mosaics workshop, and so on. This will activate the healing properties of your own miraculous brain. We heal when we are in joy the fastest.

17. Strive to Create Balanced Relationships.

Our give-and-take balance affects our mood, confidence, and creativity.

18. Burn Lemon/Orange peels.

Citrus repels negative energy and cancels low vibes in your energy field. Essential oils work the same way. Use vibrational medicine to clear yourself of low-vibration (fear-based) thoughts forms and outside energies.

19. Spend Time With Animals and In Nature.

It is the most natural medicine for our energetic bodies.

20. Focus on Self-Care.

Develop self-care routines by listening to yourself and recognizing what feels good to you.

21. Create tribal connections.

We all have ancestral wounds that show up in our daily lives. It comes with the territory. Rekindling relationships with elders can help heal old wounds and our 1st (Root) Chakra.

22. Enjoy the Beauty and the Vibrational Medicine of Flowers.

Flowers are the crystals of the plant kingdom. They emit pure divine energy effortlessly and they want to share the gift coded in their DNA with us. They have jobs here and they love us.

24 Tools to Start Your Own Healing Journey Through Self Love

23. Lend a Helping Hand.

There are many studies proving that observing kindness affects our nervous system the same way it does of the person’s giving it. Offering kindness increases our vibration and sense of self-worth. 

24. Smile More.

Not only it makes you more attractive but invites connections in. We become more available to receive when we smile.

I hope you find some of these helpful. Use them to upgrade your life this year. May your journey forward be filled with adventures and priceless personal discoveries.



Banu is an intuitive coach and a healer. Her passion is removing mental, emotional and energetic blocks that hold people back from the ultimate joy of living. You can connect with her on her website and her budding Facebook Group.

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