How you look at yourself and how others look at you is a reflection of how you feel about yourself on the inside. If you are harsh towards yourself and others, you will act in ways that are not kind to yourself and attract people and situations that are also not kind and critical of you into your life.
Your chance to learn and evolve to live a fun and awesome life is solely dependent on knowing that the exterior world is a reflection of our inner world. It is through the way we see, think, act, or respond to the outer world that we can discover what state of mind we are working with.
How Do You Feel When You Look at Yourself?
Discover the thoughts and voices going through your mind when you think about yourself or look at yourself in the mirror. It is a voice of kindness, acceptance, loving, and praise and should not be a stern voice of judgment and criticism.
How To Look at Yourself With Love and Kindness
Different people will look at you and see you through different views. Not even one of them is right or wrong. Every single view is dependent on the values and beliefs that are already in our subconscious, and the way information is processed in the brain so that we can rapidly make sense of the world.
Truthfully, information is coming through our senses every second for processing. Our brain process information by changing its appearance based on our values, memories, and beliefs; if not, we would be battered with too much sensory.
So if how you look at yourself and see someone who is not so good that’s not the fact. You have the power to select and see yourself in a way that makes you feel good.
When we start to embrace a new possibility, it’s common that we’ll begin to write down our goals (the future experiences we want to have) and decide what choices we need to make. We then begin to review our thoughts and contemplate and rehearse the behaviors we’re going to demonstrate.~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
Your Perception about the Outside Is a Reflection of the Inside.
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…~ Hermes Trismegistus
How you look at yourself and how others look at you is a reflection of how you feel about yourself on the inside. For instance, the thoughts you have when you look at yourself in the mirror.
If you are harsh towards yourself and others, you will act in ways that are not kind to yourself and attract people and situations that are also not kind and critical of you into your life.
On the other side, kindness, and love from the inside lead to kind and loving actions and treatment towards yourself. Whenever you do not feel so good, sit and look in the mirror, just watch your thoughts and grab the chance to stop criticizing and judging yourself and choose love and kindness instead. It is not always simple.
We have the power to make that decision if we want to set ourselves free from the path of self-destruction, self-judgment, and criticism.
Treating and taking care of yourself as though you are a queen or king. Doing things that make you very joyful.
Taking time to appreciate yourself, respect, and listening to your needs. Not pressuring or stressing oneself and liking and accepting yourself for who you are and where you know the fact that you will progress.
Living a healthy life by eating well, exercising would also be helpful. Always say a kind word to yourself, especially during challenging times, so you will not lose the battle. Put your basic needs first so you can be extremely happy and proud of yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror.
Reclaiming your authority means being able to look at several ways you are not being kind and respectful to yourself and being willing to make changes where necessary so you can proudly look yourself in the mirror and be happy.
Doreen Morisson
Doreen Morrison is a grandmother who wants to make the world a better place so her family can live on a happier earth. She strongly believes that doing work that has meaning and creates a legacy is one of the keys to lasting fulfilment and happiness. Follow her on Facebook.
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