If you ever want to experience Heaven on Earth, I advise you to take a trip to Koh Lipe Thailand, or what I call Atlantis – the most magical and loving place on I have ever been to. Just so you know, I am very picky, I rarely find places I am super fascinated by. I would often find things to pick on that are not even visible to most people, but not in Koh Lipe. Koh Lipe is out of this world, it really is… a place where people carry a smile wherever they go — not only on their faces but also in their hearts.
A place where love is present in every person you interact with, in every shop, restaurant and any other place you go on the island. You can actually feel the love everywhere, in everything and in everyone :).
One night, while me and my friend were walking on the streets of Koh Lipe, we saw this beautiful old lady who was selling corn on the side of the street making some funny noises. We decided to get some corn from her and while we were there watching how she prepares everything, we both got intoxicated with her positive, joyful and powerful energy. I honestly felt like I was on cloud nine and it wasn’t because something spectacular had happened, no!
It was simply because I was in the presence of a gracious and beautiful person whose energy was really powerful and intense. Since my mind was completely silent and I was 100% present in the moment, I immediately became really high. It was the second time in my life that I felt so happy for no reason. The first time I got really, really, really high was in October 2012. I will share more about this another time. It is a really amazing story and I am sure you will love it 🙂
Insights from My Holiday in Thailand
And you know what’s interesting? It wasn’t just me and my friend who were feeling that way. While we were siting down at the table behind her waiting for our corn, we saw this young woman who heard the noises the old lady was making. It sounded something like- yoohoo – yoohoo!!! Then, as the young woman came closer and closer to her, you could see and feel her energy being transformed. I can’t even describe in words the full picture but it was something I haven’t seen before. She looked totally mesmerized. The look in her eyes changed and you could feel her love and gratitude directed towards the old lady. I would say that in that moment we all experienced ONENESS.
Consider your own place in the universal oneness of which we are all a part, from which we all arise, and to which we all return. ~David Fontana
Have you ever experienced that? A moment where the mind goes completely silent and you feel connected to everything and everyone? A moment where you no longer feel separate and love is the only thing you have to offer? I guess having a quiet mind and being 100% present in the now can do that to you 🙂 While I was there I felt so connected to nature the whole time. I loved that I could walk barefoot, wear only sarongs and not THINK too much.
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~Lao Tzu
All I can say is that I was ecstatic most of the time, constantly expressing my love and gratitude for that place, its beauty, the amazing food and the beautiful and loving people. I was in love with the island and I still am and trust me, it’s not because of the beautiful landscapes, the clear blue water, the soft sand and the amazing sunsets, but because of something else, something I can’t really explain in words… The island is magical… that I know for sure 🙂 If the lost continent of Atlantis really existed I am sure it was a lot like Koh Lipe…
Even though I was there only for seven days, it felt like months, it really did. The whole experience felt so intense and life changing. While I was there I realized how I am constantly chasing after something and how I always seem to want more of everything – more knowledge, more money, more friends, more free time, more of everything and no matter how much of everything I have, it never seems enough.
I love to learn and I love to constantly do new things like grow, evolve, create and attract wonderful new people, opportunities, abundance, and experiences into my life.And while I was on the island I came to the realization that in that moment I already had enough, was enough and knew enough.
There was no need for me to get more, do more or be more in order to feel happier and more complete. I was already complete then and now and whatever experiences come my way, good or bad, they will not make me more or less valuable, more complete or incomplete. I already knew this deep wisdom was inside myself, but I haven’t experienced it very often.
In Koh Lipe I experienced this and I even brought home some of this wisdom too. Of course I will still allow myself to learn and grow but I will no longer do it with a scarcity mentality – I need more because I don’t have enough, but with an abundant and thankful mindset – In this moment I have enough, I know enough and I am enough and I allow myself to continue to grow, expand my mind and to attract abundance in all forms into my life. Lao Tzu said it perfectly more than 2500 years ago when he told us that: “If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”
We live and we learn, and that’s one of the many reasons I love traveling to places like Koh Lipe. If you are open and receptive, all the places you travel to, all the people you interact with and all the things that happen to you, good or bad, will lead you to a better understanding about yourself and the world around you 🙂
Koh Lipe helped me realize how beautiful and easy life can be. Life is simple and we choose to complicate it, wouldn’t you agree? By spending the whole day outside in nature, walking barefoot, swimming in the sea, wearing no makeup, no fancy clothes, and no shoes, I felt happier than ever.
Isn’t it interesting how little it takes to really be happy? And weren’t we taught to believe that happiness comes from doing, being and having more than everyone else? I honestly think we got it all wrong and I fell like it’s time to revise our personal beliefs on how life should be lived and what happiness is really all about…
Is life really meant to be a struggle or is life to be easy? What do you think? Share your insights by commenting bellow or by posting your lovely comment on the PurposeFairy Facebook Page. And if you want to read more stories from my trip to Koh Lipe, let me know by commenting bellow :
(Big thanks to my good friend Tharyn for helping me proofread and edit this post 🙂 ) Thank you Tharyn! You’re the best! 🙂
P.S. Here are some of the photos I took while in Koh Lipe. Enjoy!

The sunsets in Koh Lipe are breathtaking 🙂

All we need is LOVE 🙂


Sunrise Beach 🙂

It feels like those people are walking on water 🙂

Sunset in Koh Lipe

On the streets of Koh Lipe

Best way to describe this island 🙂

Sunrise Beach overlooking the turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea 🙂

Me and my really good friend Kristi 🙂

Just look at this funny and happy kid 🙂

Little girls on motorbike…

Young child 🙂

Sending post cards to my friends and family 🙂

The place I stayed – Bunga Resort 🙂

Thailand is the land of Smile 🙂

~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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