Tragedy turns into comedy when you watch your own drama and realizing it as a mind-created fiction designed to create you a sense of identity. ~Eckhart Tolle
Humor is the perfect tool that makes us understand how accepting life’s challenges or life’s lemons, in a positive way gives us control over our negative feelings, diminishing their power over us.
11 Ways to Have Fun with Life’s Challenges
Today I will share with you 11 great ways that will help you do just that:
1. Tap into intelligence
Intelligent people always find a loophole which makes them feel better, whatever the situation, because: they know that pain does not last. When creating humor out of the drama, intelligence is viewed as a basis for emotional release and always dominates the mood.
Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not. ~C. Morley
2. Create self-irony
Our strength lies not in the recall, but in how we interpret the past. Creating a mind-shift using irony is blissful, an excellent accomplishment to be sure.
The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them. ~Moliere
3. Expose yourself to vulnerability
Humor is the balance of emotions that make you susceptible to pain with the emotions that give you happiness. This balance is a state of being that you get by appealing to your vulnerability.
There are some things so serious you have to laugh at them. ~Niels Bohr
4. Clear your mind
Freud considers humor as affirming one’s sense of self and therefore proving our wit. According to him, virtually anything on the comic stage has a psychological function.
If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. ~Mahatma Gandhi
5. Induce a funnier life
We laugh at what excites emotion in us most, be it good or bad. We remember the experiences or events that have marked our minds the most: pets, childhood, poverty, unfulfilled sex life, parents, teachers, etc. In fact, funny is what saddens us the most. Reversed sadness.
6. Look for a broader perspective
Laughing at a joke based on sad experience it helps to give a new dimension of past experiences and can shape other, more comfortable opinions about the past.
The more I live, the more I think that humor is the saving sense. ~J. A. Riis
7. Express superiority
We should defy our so-called enemies not with battles, but with humor. We have to be smart enough to make sure everyone laughs at our jokes in order to win hearts and create a reputation.
Joe Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head. ~Muhammad Ali
8. …Leadership
The true leader is someone who has mastered his emotions. He who is aware of his emotions do not wastes time crying in distress, but laughing to inspire others. Have you seen the joke-teller’s confidence after he or she has just made you feel better? We often feel pride and well-being when making someone else feel better. This is confidence!
A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership. ~D. D. Eisenhower
9. …and self-mastery
In order to make others laugh and lift their spirits we need to control our own laughter, therefore, our emotions. This is actually the mastery of drama, the sacred garden of joy, the key for the conquest of one’s self.
To become conscious of what is horrifying and to laugh at it is to become master of that which is horrifying. ~E. Ionesco
10. Live in the moment
When we are laughing at a joke, our mind is blocking out the past, forgetting to fret about the future and is just living in the present. When doing so, we realize that everything is fine.
Comedy generates paradoxes and the mind can’t face two opposite ideas, therefore, we surrender into joy.
11. Utilize humor as a “weapon”
Comedy helps us build an inner safety structure that protects us from getting too overwhelmed by life, people or situations. Some people are powerful enough to offer the world a ludicrous perspective when facing grief and so, influencing it in a beautiful way.
Humor is the weapon of unarmed people: it helps people who are oppressed to smile at the situation that pains them. ~Simon Wiesenthal
Adina Rusu
Adina Rusu’s main role is as student of life, who has worked for a TV channel whilst doing stand-up comedy. She has been “digging” into humor for almost 6 years. She wrote the book “Comedycode – using laughter to survive life’s ups and downs”. If you want to get in touch with her then send her a word at [email protected]
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