As you get ready to start healing yourself, it’s important to remember to be kind, loving, compassionate, and gentle with yourself. You are coming out of your shell. And even though your thoughts, friends, family, and the whole world might try to convince you to move faster, try harder, and actually force the healing process, it’s important to listen to your own heart, body, and intuition. And go at your own pace. After all, this is your body. This is your life.
With that being said, here are some powerful things worth remembering as you start healing yourself.
8 Powerful Things to Remember as You Start Healing Yourself
1. Healing yourself can be a messy process.
Healing yourself can be a complex and sometimes messy process. Some days you feel like crying, screaming, kicking, and giving up. While others days you feel full of hope, courage, and confidence. The world might say that this isn’t normal. But it’s all actually part of the healing process.

2. You are not the state in which you find yourself.
As you start healing yourself, you will be moving from one state to another. That’s what healing does. Healing takes you through all kind of states, some of which can be pleasant, while others not so pleasant. And even though the tendency is to judge and blame yourself for the states in which you fall, the important thing to remember is that these are just states, not who you are!
3. Embrace yourself while healing yourself
Remember when you were a little child and something unpleasant would happen to you? In those moments, all you needed was to be held. You didn’t need to be screamed at, judged, labeled, or criticized. You just needed to be loved and to be held.
Well, guess what? That’s what healing yourself will ask of you. To learn to hold yourself just as you would hold a little child who needs to feel his parent’s warm embrace, love,, safety, and protection.

4. Your salvation will never come from outside of you.
I know you were taught to believe that your salvation is meant to come from outside of you: a cure, a pill, a person, a thing, an experience, etc.. But I want you to take good look at yourself in the mirror each day and remind yourself that your salvation will never come from outside of you.
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ~ Buddha
5. Healing yourself is an inside job.
You are the one who is doing all the healing. Your mind, body, spirit and whole being, they are the ones working in sync with each other to help all parts of you heal and become whole and healthy again.
And if you happen to receive help from outside of you, in any form – helping you to feel better, healthier, happier, and more alive – that is only because you are allowing it to happen.
A person can never receive healing from the outside if they haven’t yet decided to be healed from the inside.

6. Healing yourself takes time.
I know the memories of a vibrant, healthy, and healthy self are still fresh in your mind. And I know you often wish you could heal a lot faster.
But I want you to remember that just as it takes time for a flower to blossom and a mother to give birth to her child, in the same way it takes time for your wounds to heal.
There is no need to rush. No need to hurt yourself by trying to run before you can actually learn to walk again. And if you ever do, remind yourself that all great things take time. And that your healing is now happening naturally and gracefully.
7. You have a right to rest.
If your mind, body, spirit and your whole being feel tired, know that you have a right to rest…
Just as you have a right to work, you also have a right to rest.
So please, do not try to force yourself into doing things that will only slow down your recovery and cause you to feel even more pain and discomfort.

8. This is the moment you have been waiting for.
What if you could use this time to discover new ways of looking at things? To maybe learn how to live life with more joy, serenity, and love?
To find the deeper meaning of life and the reason for your existence?
What if, instead of looking at everything that happened to you as a painful experience, you chose to look at it as something that brought you closer to your Self and the Truth of who you are?
As Albert Einstein once said it so beautifully,
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein
What if, instead of looking back with remorse and feeling sorry for yourself, you chose to use this time to learn how to look at life as if everything was a miracle? And what if, in doing so, you realized that you are the greatest miracles of them all?

Oh, what if…
And these are the 8 powerful things worth remembering as you start healing yourself. What about you? What is one thing that helped you the most on your healing journey?
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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