“The pain-body wants to survive, just like every other entity in existence, and it can only survive if it gets you to unconsciously identify with it.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
It was Eckhart Tolle, the author of The Power of Now who first introduced us to this concept to pain-body.
What is the pain-body?
According to Tolle, the pain-body is an accumulation of old emotional pain that most of us carry in our energy field, which by the way has a dormant stage and an active stage. Periodically it becomes activated, and when it does, it seeks more suffering to feed on.
“The pain-body is my term for the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field… I see it as a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment they arose. These negative emotions leave a residue of emotional pain, which is stored in the cells of the body.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Clearing and Healing the Pain-Body
“The pain-body has a dormant stage and an active stage. Periodically it becomes activated, and when it does, it seeks more suffering to feed on. If you are not absolutely present, it takes over your mind and feeds on negative thinking as well as negative experiences such as drama in relationships. This is how it has been perpetuating itself throughout human history. Another way of describing the pain-body is this: the addiction to unhappiness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Whether we are aware of it or not, we carry our past with us – within our bodies and energy fields. And no matter how painful it may have been to go through everything we went through, the truth of the matter is that it’s not worth holding onto those memories.
Pain is never worth defending.
By making a commitment to heal the pain-body and let go of the painful memories of the past, we free ourselves of this unconscious need to inflict unnecessary suffering upon ourselves and the world around us. And in doing so, we return to a place of inner balance, peace, happiness, purpose, and fulfillment.

That’s how the pain body becomes the bliss-body as you will discover in this powerful healing meditation I am going to share with you below.
There is no need to prolong the pain. No need to continue to hold onto this old residue left behind from a past relationship, an unhealed trauma, etc..
You can now turn all that pain into bliss, but only if you choose to.

Turning the Pain-Body into a Bliss-body: Ultraviolet Powerful Healing Meditation
Use this powerful ultraviolet healing meditation to clear and heal the pain-body of this lifetime, any ancestral pain you are carrying along with any trauma bleeding through into your energy fields from any other lifetime so you can invite a new energy field, that of your Bliss-body.
Remember to first, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Second, find a comfortable position to sit, or lay down and when you’re ready, press play. Once the meditation session is over, you can share your experience with all of us by commenting below.
Enjoy 🙂
**What about you? Are you now ready and willing to take the necessary steps to heal your pain and return to a place of ease, bliss, and balance?
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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