Creativity and Self Love
“Expressing your creativity means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” ~ Osho
In the past year, I chose to take break from writing. There was a revelation: If I can not give to myself how can I give to others?
My soul needed solace and to focus on my heart. I attribute the break as a time of piety.
Prayer, meditation and nature always offer guidance. Walking is a form of mediation, as it takes you back to the present moment. The question which kept on surfacing was: Do I want to contract or expand?
Living in expansion is our birthright. It is not until recently that I have began to write again. I found momentum and that “happy place”.
Self Love, Creativity, and The Powerful Connection Between Them
The quote above from Osho is a gentle reminder: are you in love with your life?
tWe all have a creative genius inside us waiting to be unleashed. I often ask strangers what is there creative talent, what makes them come alive?
Their reply is usually, “I have no talent”.
I dig further and ask them to tell me about their hobbies. From there they realize how utterly gifted they are. After a candid conversation with a young woman something became apparent. We need to believe in ourselves again.
The truth is, I struggle with loving myself. Even writing it down, I recognise that I needed to be raw with my emotions. Be open to vulnerability and my inner chaos. Vulnerability allows one to be seen, its nothing one should feel ashamed of.
Self Love and the Body
Creativity can only occur when you are in harmony. Self love, belief, and worth all fall under the same umbrella. One tool that has always helped is journaling. Whatever keeps you grounded make sure to keep at it. The way you love yourself speaks volume to the universe.
The more you love and approve of yourself it creates an openness to receive. Life works in ease when you are at peace.
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” ~ Brené Brown
I believe our body is always speaking to us in some way. When you are neglecting the body, an imbalance can occur. Unsettled emotions can sit in your body and turn into disease. My own story begins with the heart. A few weeks ago, I noticed a tiny cyst in my body, close to heart.
In hindsight, I knew instantly it was about loving myself. Sometimes it does take a health scare to gain our attention. I was not angry for I knew this was a blessing. I needed to embrace the discomfort and come back to loving myself.
What I reflect on, is that perhaps we all need to create space for daily self care rituals. There are many gifts that you can give to yourself daily. Be present with yourself, and give yourself permission to feel. My writing was not coming from a place I love. It was coming from a place of lack. There was a disconnect within me. I finally had clarity to why it was necessary to pause from writing.
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” ~ Albert Einstein
The more you are in tune with self love, your creativity expands.
When you are in that space of inspiration, you are receiving wisdom beyond yourself. Channel that creativeness into what makes you feel euphoric. The hobbies you have are here for a greater purpose. I am reminded of a quote by Elizabeth Gilbert that reinforces creativity:
“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.”
Your task, is to find your jewel. All is already inside you. Take the time to do what makes you feel empowered.
The relationship you have with yourself is connected to your heart.
As you love yourself, this energy is felt outwardly. Nourish your body, and breathe into your discomfort. Tune into your soul, and know your circumstances will change. I offer you this – know your creativity is endless. There are ceaseless possibilities being birthed by you.
Remember to trust, you have known all along what ignites that inner flame. Your creativity is asking you to reach beyond yourself.
Beloved, everything begins with loving you.
Nicky Sehra
A graduate of History & Corporate Communications and Public Relations in London, Ontario Canada, Nicky is a modern day spiritual woman who enjoys the simple pleasures of life and being in the company of her family and friends! She loves to teach yoga, travel and to inspire and empower humanity through her writings. Her aim is to leave everyone she meets with a sparkle of kindness, peace and love!
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